Trump challenges “sleepy” Biden to another debate and a game of golf to “prove” he can be president

Former US President Donald Trump has challenged This Tuesday to the current President, Joe Biden, tohold another debate “This Week” and play Golf Match. He made these proposals to a crowd attending his campaign rally in Doral, Florida, where he took the opportunity to mock both Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for their performances in the debate.

“Let’s have another debate this week so that Joe Biden is sleeping He can show everyone that he has what it takes to be president. But this time it will happen Man to man, no moderatorswithout any obstacles. All you have to do is name the place, anytime and anywhere,” he announced to his followers.

In this sense, he has expressed that “sleepily” Biden assured during the debate what he wanted Compare your “Skill and Stamina” On a golf course in front of Trump, which is why he asked them to play a game on the field where he was speaking, which is his property.

Trump has taken the opportunity to laugh at his hitting style, and has offered him a ten-hit lead, as well as ensuring that if he manages to defeat Biden he will donate a million dollars to any organization chosen by Biden.

“This will be one of the most-watched sporting events in history,” he said. “I would still give Joe Biden ten strokes ahead. That means 20 strokes if he doesn’t play golf.”

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