A dentist explains whether you should brush your teeth before or after breakfast: “You can damage the enamel”

Oral health is essential for good health and hygiene in general. These can be eliminated by brushing Numerous bacteria And food remains, among other things, to prevent the appearance of cavities. ,

Dr. Simon Pardinas, a dentist who uses the social network TikTok to spread information about oral and dental health, answered this last question.

The doctor explains that he has seen the publication of articles that say it is better to brush your teeth before having breakfast. “The interpretation of these articles is that when we wake up we have a increased amount of bacteria in the mouth Because saliva production is reduced,” says the professional.

A dentist explains whether you should brush your teeth before or after breakfast

Dentists point out that the premise is good, but saying that brushing your teeth before eating breakfast will protect them and that if you also eat a meal before brushing your teeth it is “giving more food to the bacteria” is a mistake.

“You won’t protect them or give them more food in the time it takes you to eat breakfast.”emphasizes the previous statement. The dentist says that “when you chew, you will mechanically remove plaque that may have stuck to the surface of the teeth and also stimulate the production of saliva.”

Among the reasons cited is that brushing can increase the damage to the enamel because the acid consumed during breakfast can erode the teeth. For the doctor, although this may be correct and therefore recommends waiting for about 20 minutes before brushing, it is A “greatly exaggerated” thesis,

“If you stop brushing your teeth for 20 minutes, that’s too much It would be better to wash them and remove food residues. “These debates don’t really matter,” he says.

In short, this dentist recommends brushing your teeth after breakfast, but above all he urges you to instruct people to brush their teeth because many people don’t do it. “Rinse with water when you wake up, have a leisurely breakfast and then brush your teeth,” he says.

“Rinse your mouth with water when you wake up, eat a leisurely breakfast and then brush your teeth”

Among the responses the publication has generated, many are from people who are unable to wait those 20 minutes without brushing before going out, but there are also many who say they brush their teeth both before and after having breakfast.

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