This is a Google tool that will protect you from fraud and it is free.

Cloud storage subscription service Google continues to receive changes, this time in the interests of the rest of the company’s account users. Yep Google One recently lost VPN service and gained AI integration Twinsnow loses exclusivity for one of the most useful tools for preventing cyber fraud, Darknet Reports.

Google One subscribers have started receiving a message when opening the app stating that “Dark Web reporting will no longer be available in Google One.” starting from the end of July‘.

Good news for other Google users who will have access to this feature from the specified date. As the company explains on its Google One help page, the Dark Web report is a feature that helps track whether a user’s personal information is circulating on the darknet.

This includes data such as name, address, telephone number and email address this could be part of the information leaked security breachesa phenomenon that has been commonplace for many years. Even if this information does not include passwords, Cybercriminals just need to use it and use it in their scams.These reports are available in 46 countries, including Spain.

These reports will appear starting this month next to the section Results about you in the Google app, as both features are aimed at informing the user of their presence on the network and being able to protect it. A “combined solution”Google calls it that.

In the “Results about you” section you can request Removing search results containing user personal information. That is, it is present on the open web, while Dark Web reports are focused on the dark web, as the name suggests. When Google, monitoring the Dark Web, finds information that matches the user’s information, notifies you via email and notifications, and offers tips on how to protect your personal information.

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