If you’re a diabetic, here’s what you need to know: Here’s what will happen to you if you keep eating olives.

If you are a fan olives, and they can’t be missing from your tapas, but you can’t eat them because you have diabetes, this new study may surprise you. Science has recently been able to figure out what happens if you eat olives despite the condition. It’s worth remembering that while it’s important to take certain precautions when eating certain foods, it’s important to have some form of exercise in your daily routine, whether light, moderate or intense. This, along with improved hydration, helps your metabolism regulate blood sugar levels, while also helping you lose weight.

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, commonly known as Virginia Tech, recently released the results of a study conducted by the Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Exercise, led by Professor Dongmin Liu. It confirms that olives and extra virgin olive oil contain natural compounds that regulate blood sugar levels and promotes weight losswhich would make it a food that diabetics can eat without serious complications. According to experts, elenolic acid is the component that helps control weight and regulate blood sugar levels; so they saw that it was a healthy food for people with diabetes.

What happens if you eat olives and have diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease that affects the way the body converts food into energy. Its main characteristic is that it increases blood sugar levels; and insulin intolerance a hormone produced by the body, secreted by the pancreas, that is responsible for transporting glucose into cells so they can use it for energy.

This disease has several types, the most common of which is recognized as “type 2”, and although there are several ways to combat it, with medications and constant monitoring of glucose levels, in addition to exercise and proper nutrition, it is important to be informed in order to avoid complications of the disease and maintain a good quality of life.

Although until this point, olive consumption was not encouraged. nutrition and health specialists, Due to its high sodium content and uncontrolled consumption, this new study has found that elenolic acid is beneficial for both weight loss and blood sugar regulation.

Olives: What is Elenolic Acid and Why is it Good for Diabetics

Elenolic acid, found in olives, is a chemical compound found in olives that has a number of health benefits, such as being an antioxidant, which means it helps protect the body’s cells from damage caused by free radicals.

This means that the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease is reduced; It is an antimicrobial agent, which helps fight bacteria and fungi that affect the health of the digestive system; In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties, so it can help treat diseases such as arthritis.

According to the Spanish Diabetes Federation, living with the disease “involves dietary control” as well as “physical activity and pharmacological treatment.” “This does not mean, however, that you cannot eat everything, but only that you will have to consider what, how much and when you eat from each nutrient group. The goal is keep blood glucose levels under controlnot allowing them to rise too high, but also not allowing them to fall too far.

That is, olives do not necessarily have to be eradicated from the diet of people with diabetes, but it is better to control consumption, doing it episodically, and not constantly; But, above all, it is important to include other practices that help lead a better lifestyle despite the presence of the disease, such as performing Exercise programreduce the level of stress a person is exposed to, among other practices.

This will certainly improve the quality of life of any person, but essentially it will help lower blood sugar levels and allow for better control of diabetes.

Benefits of olives

In general, according to Dospharma, olives bring us various benefits for our body:

Allies against cholesterol

This oilseed fruit, which produces the Mediterranean diet’s liquid gold, olive oil, contains antioxidant polyphenols that help lower bad cholesterol, or LDL.

Strengthen your immune system

Vitamins with high antioxidant activity contained in olives strengthen the immune system.

Help against anemia

In addition to potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iodine, olives contain iron, although it is present in much smaller proportions than sodium.

Prevent heart disease

They are an excellent source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are heart-healthy fats.

They stimulate appetite and digestion.

They boast that this is not just a snack to kill a starving person. This fruit stimulates appetite and aids digestion because it contains dietary fiber.

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