From shaking hands with Putin to shaking hands with Trump: Orban fills his European partners with patience

Maria G. Zornoza

Ukraine, Russia, azerbaijan, China And Mar-a-Lago’s self-proclaimed “peace march.” Viktor Orban has taken them to their fifth stop at the residence of Donald Trump In Florida. The Hungarian prime minister is in sync with the rest of his European colleagues in the midst of his start rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union. Brussels Condemns that he is making malicious use of this work, which may go against the treaties.

Orban’s provocations go one step further. As NATO meeting concludes Washington -Where paramedics met for rescue purposes alliance and helps him Ukraine About the possible return of Donald Trump white House– The Magyar president stepped forward smiling to meet the Republican magnate, whom he has idolised for years.

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For return.

“He has demonstrated during his presidency that he is a Peaceful man. He will do it again (…). We have talked about ways to peace. The good news of the day is that he is the one who is going to solve it,” he said X Orban after shaking hands. “Thank you, Viktor. There must be peace and there must be peace soon. Too many people have died at once war It should never have started,” the American replied. Although it is true that neither of them has revealed what their strategy To silence the weapons, he has said on several occasions that Ukraine would have to sacrifice part of its territory, a red line in Brussels. Kyiv,

Reactions from European leaders This carousel of controversial trips has been vigorous. “Disloyal” or “irresponsible” are some of the adjectives that many have dedicated to him. Heads of government. On Wednesday, European ambassadors – known in EU jargon as COREPER – debated for the first time the consequences and implications of these derogations. Orbán Government He excused himself on the ground that these were meetings organised on a national basis. But the explanation of the leader of Fidesz They don’t convince. In fact, they use the logo of in their promotional videos European presidency. He doesn’t use it in his last clip with Trump after the slap on the wrist.

The general belief is that he is using the half-yearly presidency Create the illusion and take advantage The brand that offers the twelve star flag to project the image of a strong man International Regions“Not all leaders, whether from big or small countries, can negotiate or mediate. You need to have power to do that,” the Ukrainian president said. Volodymyr Zelenskyas it passes through the summit of NATO,

Meanwhile, Brussels and Budapest They maintain direct competition. Legal Services of European Union confirmed that Orbán has violated the principles of responsibility, loyalty and solidarity of the Treaties, as set forth in financial Times. Article 24.3 establishes that “the Member countries Will actively and unhesitatingly support the foreign and security policy of Milanin a spirit of loyalty and mutual solidarity, and will respect the action of the Union.” “We are paving the way in the hope of achieving peace as soon as possible.” “Since when are these Bilateral efforts Are they (contrary to the treaties)?” Orbán’s spokesman asked, Zoltan Kovacs,

“It’s not my place to give ratings Legal status of activities Made by a prime minister and his international contacts, but it is clear that this is not an EU order. That has become extremely clear,” he responded. Eric Mamerspokesperson for von der Leyenwas asked about it in the daily press conference of The European Commission,

Democratic circle for militants

In recent days, movements to reorganize European far-right forces have gained momentum. A week ago, Vocal exchanged the Conservatives and reformists Of Giorgia Meloni For Patriots for Europe by Viktor Orban. And condemned on Wednesday Alternative to Germany A third far-right party in the European Parliament called AfD was formed Europe of sovereign nations. Finally, three MEPs from the party is over (SALF) have not joined any formation, although they can take decisions in the plenary legislature.

this Friday, while Vox announced it was severing ties with People’s Party In its shared autonomous governments, the European People’s Party assured that it was in talks with the Social Democrats and the Liberals. Renew European To apply a Democratic circle for far-right forces. Its purpose is to prevent members of Patriot -Party with which Vox shares a bench Marine Le PenViktor Orban or Matteo Salvini– and occupy some position of sovereigntist power in the new government, such as the vice-president or president of the Commission Hemicycle,

“These are elected officials. Parliament And we don’t want these MEPs to represent the institution,” said a spokesman for PPE ,Pedro Lopez de PabloHe rebuked them, saying, “This is not a siege against us or our group. It is a siege against millions of European citizens who voted for us and it is deeply undemocratic. We hope this does not happen.” Alonso de MendozaSpokesperson for the group recently founded by Orbán.


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