How to Compress a House This Summer to Make Extra Money: From €1,000 to €10,000 | Business

More and more homeowners are finding a way to make extra money during the summer months. They do this by renting out their pools and terraces by the hour – a fast and safe business that is gaining followers every summer. Their owners, who want to use every corner of their property, can earn an average of €1,000 per season, with some reaching €10,000. And that’s only with the pool rental. Other owners are not looking to make money, but to save it. These are the ones who flip their homes, a model that is also becoming increasingly popular, mainly due to high house prices and the impact of inflation.

Hourly pool rentals between individuals became fashionable during the pandemic and have since attracted thousands of users. The French platform Swimmy, which has more than 6,000 pools and which aims to reach more than 20,000 reservations and register at least 2,000 new installations by the summer, tells of an owner who has earned more than €62,000 since joining the platform. “The most popular are usually those that offer additional services such as barbecues, shaded areas and spectacular views. Sizes vary, but medium and large pools are generally preferred as they can accommodate events, groups of friends and families,” they point out on Swimmy. The average rental time is around four to five hours. The three most popular pools in the world launch The French have one in Cervello, 20 kilometres from Barcelona, ​​another in Madrid and the last in Las Rozas (Madrid), prices vary from four to six euros per person per hour.

Penthouse rooftops are another hot spot these months. Especially if they have a view of the city. “The most sought-after ones are those in Madrid and Barcelona,” says Alvaro Vallespin, founder of HolaPlace, a space rental platform that opened in Spain in 2020 and whose business has tripled in the last four years. “During the summer season, the main applicants are looking for unique private spaces,” says Vallespin. It employs more than 2,000 professionals and individuals in Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Malaga and Seville.

Any house can be used at any time for filming a TV series, a documentary or an advertisement. It does not have to be a luxurious mansion. This is what they assure you at Kuarere, which has been operating since 2021 as market rent spaces by the hour and has already completed more than a thousand audiovisual projects. Their main clients are audiovisual creatives who need spaces for filming or photo shoots. “They ask us for a lot of normal middle-class houses for advertising, and now in the summer the houses are transformed into gardens and swimming pools for advertising, for example, sunscreen or video clips,” says Belén Sola, CEO of Kuarere, which has more than 4,000 spaces in Spain. This is another way to make a few euros by renting out a property for a few hours. Specifically, from 90 to 100 euros per hour. Among the most sought-after spaces recently are a designer house in Guadalajara for 200 euros per hour, a renovated penthouse with exposed beams in Madrid for 90 euros, or a house in the center of Madrid, built in 1900 in its original form, for 60 euros. Time.

Optimize your vacation

Home exchange is a formula that has gained momentum in Spain in recent years, especially since the pandemic. More and more owners are aware of this model, which originated in the United States three decades ago thanks to an idea from some teachers who wanted to optimize their holidays. The formula allows you to save on accommodation, which is not insignificant when it comes to expensive destinations such as Hong Kong, New York or Paris. The HomeExchange platform, which has an 80% global market share and more than 170,000 users, has calculated that these savings represent between 30% and 35% of the travel budget. “Savings are one of the factors that have led many people to try or consider this option,” says Pilar Manrique, HomeExchange’s representative in Spain. Another is the search for more responsible solutions when traveling. “This could solve some aspects of mass tourism, since it is a more sustainable way of traveling, using existing resources and eliminating speculation,” says Manrique.

Elizabeth Serelde, Pedro Jesus Lopez and their daughter Shayla, known as the Trotamundos Family, travel the world, proving that you don’t have to be rich to travel. They have 307 exchanges around the world under their belt, and this year alone, that number has already exceeded 30. “We are currently in Toronto, Canada, in a super-luxurious apartment in the heart of downtown. We have linked four exchanges: Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec and Toronto. Then we have another exchange in Corsica, two more in Bergen and Stavanger, in the Norwegian fjords, and we are finishing with another exchange in Ibiza,” says Elizabeth, a HomeExchange user.

On this platform, where you have to pay a fee of 160 euros per year to be able to travel without restrictions, more than 5.7 million overnight stays were reached worldwide in 2023, surpassing the pre-pandemic record. “This summer alone, almost 2.8 million people have already registered worldwide, exceeding the summer of 2023 (2.5 million),” says Manrique. This summer, there will be 420,473 overnight stays in Spain, a figure that shows the dynamics of this travel alternative, which has grown by 147% in the last five years. “Spain is the second most popular country for exchanges after France and the United States. There are currently 26,175 participants in Spain, up 20% from last year,” says Manrique. The most popular regions this summer are Catalonia, the Basque Country, Andalusia, the Valencian Community and the Balearic Islands. The cities that will see the most exchanges registered during these months are Paris, Barcelona, ​​London and New York.

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