Oropouche virus alert in Pinar del Rio

Cuban authorities confirmed that the appeal Oropouche Virus in Pinar del Rio This is a threat to public health.

Experts identified the virus in the provincial capital, mainly in the Raul Sanchez health area, after a significant increase in the number of patients with non-specific febrile syndromes not consistent with dengue fever.

Doctor Giselle Ramos AguilaThe head of the regional epidemiological department reported this. Partisan that the detection of the Oropouche virus occurred after a thorough differential diagnosis.

He stressed Similarities between Oropouche and Denguestressing the need to implement a strict surveillance protocol to prevent its spread.

No serious cases have been reported so far, but the situation requires special attention. The established protocol includes a recommendation for the population to contact medical institutions if symptoms of non-specific fever appear.

Doctors will be responsible for differential diagnosis and determining the need for hospitalization, especially for vulnerable groups such as children under two years of age, pregnant women, women in labor, and people with underlying medical conditions.

He Oropouche virus It manifests itself with fever, headache and joint pain, and in some cases bleeding gums.

Prevention measures are the same across the country: use autofocus and eliminate mosquito breeding sites. Both have proven insufficient as the virus has spread throughout Cuba.

The emergence of the Oropouche virus and increase in dengue fever cases They create additional burden on the impoverished health care system, which is experiencing a shortage of medicines and even specialists in hospitals and clinics.

The government warned that does not have the resources to disinfect homes and apparently they don’t have the fuel to collect the garbage bins that are everywhere, and meanwhile in Cuba the unhealthiness is growing.

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