club speaks out, players demand uniforms, and some managers have other business connections | Relief

There are many unknowns in the Leganes case, and as the investigation progresses There are many more violations that the futsal sports club Leganes adds.

In honor of the Leganes women’s team players publicly condemn the non-payments and negligence on the part of the clubThe sports organization acknowledged the delay in salary payments and the seriousness of these non-payments in an official statement.

However, despite accusations of lack of adequate housing, The Club provided Relevo with invoices confirming that they had been provided with a hotel and that all payments had been made on time. In addition, the sports organization has invoices confirming that the foreign footballers had access to taxis to return to the airport, contrary to what they claimed.

Following Angel Saiz’s statements, which have generated widespread support for the coach, the futsal organization has spoken out and stated that delay of subsidies belonging Town Hall from Leganes How the main reason for your defaultswhich they assure us that “they will be resolved through the Joint Commission.”

Regarding the subsidy, municipal sources assured that “The club’s subsidy has not yet been paid. from football hall because he didn’t finish until a few days ago all the documentation that was necessary. Once everything is confirmed to be in order, the above mentioned subsidy will be paid out.”

There were two periods during which the club Yes, he received a subsidy from the city council in 2023.Add to this all the financial support they receive from other organisations such as the RFEF or the fees they receive from the players themselves. The financial management irregularities were reflected throughout the season in the form of debts to players, coaching staff, transport, physiotherapists, apartments, hotels, etc. Violations that the club did not know about or did not want to deal with the money it received.

The Joint Commission set a deadline of June 28 to resolve the issue of non-payment to the women’s first team players. a target that the club significantly exceeded, despite its claims. The futsal organisation justified the transfer by stating that the amounts of money they are asking for exceed the amount owed because Some players have asked for interest due to the four-month grace period already added.but the club did not award any amounts even without these allowances.

“We have sent a burofax to the Association of Women’s Futsal Players (AJFSF) in which we respond to all the allegations contained in the statements and videos made by the players,” the club responded to the videos posted on social media. a bureaufax in which they accused some members of the association’s board of directors. The players assured that “nobody forced us to speak, we wanted to denounce how bad things were for us, and it was the AJFSF, led by President Natalia Orive, who helped and supported us in this.”

Equipment malfunctions

If all that has been stated is not enough today, The club did not bother to hide the lack of commitment from the board or the parents of its players.. There were teams whose shirts, for which parents paid the appropriate fee, did not have the Joma logo as it should have. The label of the shirts does not correspond to the brand, as well as the fact that they do not have its characteristics. J. on the front. Although the rest of the equipment was fine, there were parents who complained to the sports organization about the shirts, but They were unable to get an answer.

Players don’t give up

“Angel was the one who took us to the club and then he stayed with us until the end. We love him very much,” one of the players said after The club calls the coach’s statements false“We went with the hope of growing as players, as athletes,” they told Relevo after the great disappointment they experienced this season.

Regardless of the fear they went through afterwards “We were advised not to report it, they said the consequences would be worse.”have stepped forward and continue to fight for their basic right to be paid for the work they have worked so hard to do, some even nearly 11,000 kilometres from their homes.

Unknown business connections between the board of directors

All companies owned or shared by the club’s board members are worth studying.some of which are related to him. President David Vazquez Gonzalez appears to be the only one who does not share a structure with the rest of the board, although he owns or is owned by other companies.

Everything for your Club SL, Masdeporte Servicios Deportistas Integrales SL and the defunct since 2014 organization Elitefútbol SL. three of which are owned by David Vazquez and which also sponsor the Leganes football club itself.

During this year, the president He left Indra Sistemas SA on January 21 and re-registered as a company representative on the same day.. A transaction that was also carried out on February 14 at Indra Factoría Tecnológica SL or on April 2 at Indra Sistemas de Seguridad SA. On December 23, 2023, he carried out the same procedure at Indra Produccion Software SL and registered on the same day with Minsait Payment Systems SL, also acting as the entity’s agent.

If we drop a few positions on the command ladder, things will become more difficult. Andrés Parada, the club’s sporting director, owned the company L&F Smart Goal SL.On July 18, 2023, the company was transferred to a board of directors consisting of the company’s vice president, Víctor Manuel Clemente Alonso, and press officer, Miguel Ángel Gascó Moreno.

On the same day, this company was transferred to another company called Lucilanea Hestion SL. Lucilanea, Victor and their brother Agustín Clemente Alonso are also partners in another company, Fomento y Gestión SA. There are many other business connections that these three individuals have with each other..

As for the general director Alberto Gasco Moreno, he owned the company Prensa Ecripta Al Día SL, which, in addition to being one of the club’s sponsors, as stated on its website, Gasco left the company on February 26, 2024. same course of action used with Monsul Comunicación y Publicidad SL and Clepsidra Comunicación SL, except for the fact that these two were transferred on September 16, 2023 to his brother Miguel Angel Gasco Moreno, who, as mentioned earlier, is a member of the club. At the moment, Alberto Gasco holds a public office on the Leganés City Council.

Everything for your Club SL, Masdeporte Servicios Deportistas Integrales SL, Elitefútbol SL, Prensa Ecripta Al Día SL and Monsul Communication y Publicidad SL, These are companies owned by the members of the club’s board of directors and also sponsor it.. On the other side, Many companies are registered at the same address as the Club itself. Deportivo Leganes Futsal.

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