Is Brad Pitt Cool With His Kids? The actor doesn’t need “practice plus contact” with his kids

Published on July 11, 2024 at 12:29 pm.

American sources say they are rich, Brad Pitt doesn’t want to be in contact with his young friends.

Is Brad Pitt Cold-Headed With His Children? After splitting with Angelina Jolie in 2016, the actors’ relationship with their six children (Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Vivienne and Knox) ​​will only get worse. In fact, after the two stars split, the siblings are still alive, after their deaths, and continue to communicate with Brad Pitt. This decision was made in response to the aggressive behavior of the former comedians. After announcing the divorce, Angelina Jolie accuses her son of violence. In 2016, she reached an understanding about the affairs during a flight, while the couple’s children were safe, and Brad Pitt attacked her. After that, the two eldest years were released in a lawsuit, and on March 20, the Babylon star announced that the children’s part of the family will be preserved without visitation rights.

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Despite this, the six children of the two actors do not ask passers-by with their father. “I can not contact the children-majors. “The son is engaged to the pluses of young people and is limited to what was my last and the meaning of the son’s work at the tournament”, a report from the source “People”. Well, Brad Pitt “heureux with Ines”, this situation with his children “lui fait mal”. In addition, his three girls, Zahara, Shiloh and Vivienne, remained aside from their desire, plus the apparatus under the name of Pitt, keeping just the blue memory of the mother, Jolie. Yesterday, Shiloh implemented administrative demarches before making an official statement. A novel that praises “in spite of” Brad Pitt: “Se rappeler qu’il a perdu ses enfants n’est évidemment pas facile pour lui. Il aime ses enfants et ils lui manquent. “C’est très triste”, published in the source “People”.

Brad Pitt’s relationship with his children and his emergence as an arranger avec le temps.

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