Emma Stone on the Art of Replication at Cannes Film Festival

Emma Stone in competition for Yorgos Lanthimos's

In Cannes, beauty salons are portent bien leur nom. Visage offered packages: “Angelina Jolie” (microneedling + manicure + blow-dry, 180 euros), “Charlize Theron” (teeth whitening + make-up + blow-dry, 210 euros) … Famous purtan, comparable to these actresses, Emma Stone could not afford to do anything today to become a star. This is what American comedy resists any classification. From this floating identity, Greek filmmaker Yorgos Lanthimos will be the subject of a four-year collaboration, Types of kindness, movie I was performing at the competition on the Croisette, which will take place on May 17th.

Read the review of “Types of Kindness”: This article is reserved for our subscribers. Yorgos Lanthimos and his paume creatures

On vacation at the casting Emma Stone and interprets three characters, but does not say that this is really so, and does not say that this is another person. Their young partners fatally lose one person: in three parts of the film, directed by Jesse Plemons, you can imagine that he will be replaced by Sozi.

A scene remarkable for the inquietude étrangeté delights two actors in a palace or at a meeting. “Is it yours, Emma? What do you say…”marmonne Jesse Plemons, inimitable caveman voice. “If you are this, then this is not Jesse, my son is an avatar!”Stone answer, piquancy in diable. Red Bull’s canets sound in sync. Le rouquin left the T-shirt for the kids; Vuitton beige robe and black stilettos, which looks elegant, Soul, other stabilizers, silhouette.

Action couple couple

After all, Hollywood is organizing the promotion of its own shows for couples, plutôt qu’en Solo in the house Types of kindness – Don’t le titre de travail a longtemps été AND (“et”) is a love of money paid for the accoutrement. Because Stone and Plemons were not witnesses to the complicity of complicity: in 1988 he was not the mother of last year, he was on a humus past, she was in a posh bath and art from Phoenix (Arizona), Louis in Dallas (Texas).

Revele in the series Breaking Bad and etc. Friday Night Lightschosen by the Hollywood elite (Spielberg, Scorsese, Paul Thomas Anderson…), Jesse Plemons does not wait, the game, a tour with European cinema. Emma Stone pleases the playing intermediaries. “Yorgos’ cinema is not like any other, it does not accept all the answers… Au debut, it is an exit, but most of all it deviates from freedom. Emma m’a let down and shaved “– Plemons admitted.

After Favorite (2018), Stone becomes a favorite comic book from the alien Hellena. A collaboration that just happened: this year it was crocheted, next time La La Land in 2017, the best actress Oscar for her role as an expressionist in the Greek realist’s previous film, Poor creatures.

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