“The suite from “Diable s’habille en Prada”, a slapstick idea from Emily Blunt’s peasant girl”

It is a rumor that persists after years. The suite “Diable s’habille en Prada” will probably become “a permanent joke” for fans of the film. Pourtan, with all attention, the set will finally be programmed. It was the American magazine “Puck” that reported on July 8 the wonderful news under the title: “The Devil in a Blue Coat”.

The 2006 film by David Frankel revealed all the successes that the book (published in 2003) did not. The real bestseller, author Lauren Weisberger, wrote “The Suite (moins Appréciée) of History” in 2013. The screenwriter of the premiere, Aline Brosh McKenna, was in discussions with Disney – who was the empress involved in the project – to eventually write this famous suite.

Bonne’s new release for fans: a suite from the film “Le Diable s’habille en Prada” is in development

The casting actresses, Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway and Emily Blunt, promote the three for their careers after the success, they admire (watching the last two, Meryl Streep was a legend) three talented comedians. In interviews, all three comedians agreed to say that the tournament features in the best souvenirs of the production. Emily Blunt and Meryl Streep are two friends who later became three friends.

A film that was never in the public eye

Aware of the impact of the film on the public, the three actresses never want to appear at public events and meet on stage. It was an event in 2007, winning the Oscars in the new year, and winning the SAG Awards in 2024. The trio is the biggest stage for the award, not hesitating to entertain the audience in their roles.

Anne Hathaway is also shown posing in looks from the film “Michael Kors Fashion Show” on September 14, 2022.

Meryl Streep Explains Why She Didn’t Enjoy Her ‘Diable s’habille en Prada’ Tour: ‘J’étais triste dans ma loge’

Emily Blunt, the project’s rational face

Despite the success, fame and revival, Emily Blunt has avoided what was not in favor of the suite. In 2018, People magazine approached the American magazine People with the statement: “I hope that this will not arrive, because sometimes it will dilute the features of the “original”.

Rapidly, the comedy is the epitome of adventure: “If you’re in the middle of nowhere, I’ll always be happy with the faire.” A subtlety for fans who know what they’ve chosen since 2006: the Miranda Priestly, Andrea Sachs and Emily Charlton adventure suite.

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