Austin Butler and Jodie Comer walk into vitesse superieure

The meetings “en presentiel” with Hollywood stars, virgin and rare, who meet in virgin (très) Zen. Last week, the plan included a 45-minute delay in meeting Jodie “Killing Eve” Comer and Austin “Elvis” Butler. Of course, the London palace’s personnel race aidait à prendre is poor in patience.

From six anonymous journalists round table, comme on dit, in new places. First of all, this routine deformation is inherited after the arrival of visitors to the visual conference: the order of parole is imposed, without the possibility of communication with the answer. In the course of the réseaux, the petites phrases, the bad noisesParole is more controlled than ever: interest agents are in ambush at the cooper court’s fund to sort out the cases.

This is presque a paradox for a conversation about a film that occurs on the stage of the rebels of the épris de liberté. Cyclists Jeff Nichols adapted from the book on culture États-Unis. In 1960, photojournalist Danny Lyon became interested in a group of bikers called the Vandals. This chronicle features a couple: Katie, an outsider to this milieu, and Benny, an irresistible tête-brulee.

Consolation: Interpretive Leurs, Jodie Comer and Austin Butler, sont avenants, d’entrée de jeu. Surprises, presentations, excuses for delay… The second one is the main chacun, changing a small staff. Feinte or sincere, l’attention. Jodie Comer observes the chat of his answers at the table of respect, the chat in years. A poll that is not too often used in this genre of exercises.

Chakun’s release date is recorded with the requirement that the leather dress she wears on her elegant gown be a souvenir from the film.”“I don’t have the opportunity to give a suspension at the tournament.” Katie, they are characters, the narrative of the story is effectively alienated from this world.”“It’s an accessory to promote the film.” Le ton est donné: il n’y aura pas de sortie de Route, ce qui n’empêchera pas une relative sensation of freedom, celle tant recherchée par Benny et les Vandals. Allons-y pour le Tour de Table.

Austin, are you a biker?

Austin Butler: I have more in more. I am great with my father and my lovers. This is a little green of my plus young age. I got three good souvenirs that I waited for the arrival of my father’s motorcycle, who was my friend at the age of 15. Moreover, soon I will no longer have the opportunity to practice. For this film, I practice my craft all day, spend a 12-hour pendant on a motorcycle and enjoy my passion before starting. It’s a super opportunity.

Do you have your own motorcycle?

AB: I was preparing for the film. And from plus to plus, je l’avoue… (The film will go on tour in 2022, NdlR)

Austin Butler in Bikers: “I do my thing all day, edit 12 hours on a motorcycle and go on a ride before I start.” ©Sony

Question for you: what do you think of Jeff Nichols?

Jodie Comer: Our pensions are all two, which will be great for workers with Louis. What I frappe during Jeff’s trip, it’s real visual and cinematographic, real beauty and real aesthetics. But in the end, it’s all a guide to emotions. On stage, it seems that the genre world is rich and varied. I have placed great trust in you.

AB: Tous ceux qui l’ont rencontré dissent la même chose: c’est un hommecharmant. Il une telle énergie et une nature douce, à la fois. We have a great sense of humor.

For you, Austin, this is a movie about meeting Tom Hardy, not you, the fan.

AB: Zhenya, these are marks in my interpretation. Bronson (Nicolas Winding Refn, 2008, NdlR). I continue to appreciate other films. Dance origin (Christopher Nolan, 2010)the crest of the tree. Our people are united by a fraternal bond. And this goes beyond my rapidity and ours of some things… what I say. We communicate with the eternal étonnamment of people on the plateau.

DC: We are part of a larger conversation between our relatives and the camera. It is a better understanding of what you are capturing and commenting on the subtle changes that can change you. The technique is impressive.

Tom Hardy as Johnny: ‘Impressive technique’ ©Sony

Three more scenes of violence. How do you feel about this male violence?

AB: Violence is not Benny – it is a vector in the film, it is the most important thing. She has a lot of love. She wants to know if she is a fool at the top and she replies or is angry because she thinks she is a good person who loves her. I have a feeling like a chin with a primitive and intuitive reaction.

DC: In terms of Katie, the Motar Club is not violent in its departure. The situation worsens over time. Elle Prend loves distance. I thought that for women in general, the threat of violence is beautiful and present in everyday life. In the context of the era, the era is male dominance. The catalyst is the scene where he is again in danger and Benny is not. This is the goutte of water that makes the vase delimit. More than that, it is a tragedy. This violence makes Louis’s party. She in this moment of love. She wants to see the bravado, the fashion does not own them against others. It is not as if she was not aware of it. I thought he expected that he would be the one to decide to overcome the temporary difficulties.

Les Vandals en virée: violence that worsens over time. ©Sony

And what are these positive aspects of masculinity in an era when it is fucked?

DC: If I found a beautiful dress and I thought it was the real culture of the Motard gangs, that’s what it takes for this absolute love. They are fiery and loyal to their convictions. I thought Katie thought it was more than anything that they knew that these people had the right to rule and authority. And you can set the rules and reproduce them exactly so that they can’t be banned.

La rumeur veut que l’equipe maquillage a vous rendre moins beau que vous ne l’êtes… (laughs)

DC: Je sais que quand je joue des personnages qui n’ont pas de maquillage, ou quand je joue un personnage qui doit être attractive, sexy, peu importa… Ce que j’ai amé chez Kathy, c’est que lorsque j’ai respect photos (Danny Lyon)it is that all these women who are so natural or maquillées, are so beautiful. Katie is beautiful in her manners. The title of the genre says: “I was told that I know. “C’est à prendre ou à laisser.” I found three liberators. You know, I thought that makeup artists love it when they reach a plateau, and that they convey the details that build a person and the image of our image.

Jodie Comer in the movie “Katie”: “Toutes ces femmes, qu’elles soient au natural ou maquillées, si belles.” ©Sony

Jodi, please include Katie, Danny’s photos will also be available at registration.

DC: I have a chance to see 30 minutes of audio interview with Danny at age 60. It was original from Chicago, most of all with a lot of dialect nuances, three different ones. My dialect coach, Victoria Hanlon, has two options: soit prendre l’accent de Chicago, soit mecalquer sur l’audio. I chose the audio. Jeff completely agrees that his style of speaking reveals his personality. I did a lot of work with my coach to come to the point of “not a plus” and a thinker.

This is a monologue in the film about how women are essential to change their company. Did you think that was possible?

DC: My opinion is that it’s not what I want. I can understand Katie’s desire for Benny to be more present, for another kind of love in life, for him to know that he’s safe and worried that his life is in danger. It would be easier to tell. But he’s not the man who saved him after he debuted. I don’t think you can change your desire.

AB: And if it doesn’t work out, this is the debut of resentment…

Austin Butler in a scene reproducing Danny Lyon’s mythical photograph: “The hours passed by so they wouldn’t let me hold you back.” ©Sony

Benny is an enigma. There is no better image in the book. There is not even a voice recording. Comment on vous l’êtes-vous imaginé, Austin?

AB: In fact, on the ne voit they are never a visage. I do not have interviews. He understands that talking about other people. Il est un methe en sorque. I do not want to understand plus what is necessary for what and is, plus a place for me, perhaps. That which imports the plus to go on a motorcycle. The hours pass by without allowing me to continue to conduct. I pass the time with the motorcycles that go all the way. Little by little, by osmosis, you are absorbed in your philosophy and your… your spiritual connection to this sentiment that emerges on your motorcycle. This freedom and this feeling of joy I received when I found the guidon. This feeling of exaltation, the refusal of opposition à tout qui tenerait de vous contraindre.

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