Samsung, Apple and Xiaomi Take the Podium

Sales grew 12% in the latest quarter, highlighting the healthy state of the smartphone market after several difficult years.

Global mobile sales grow for third consecutive quarter: Samsung, Apple and Xiaomi on the podium
Samsung, Apple and Xiaomi continue to lead the mobile market

Little by little the times of recession are behind us in global mobile sales. Given that the new data is already known, smartphone market growth trendas sales have been in positive balance for the third quarter in a row. As for the most popular brands, there are still no surprises, as Samsung, Apple and Xiaomi (in that order) remain the three companies selling the most devices.

Positive dynamics in the mobile communications market

Industry trends in 2024 takes a strong positive turnafter a long period of declining sales, when even the growing number of premium mobile phones could not turn the tide. However, after almost two years of decline, the market is now much healthier and has been for the third quarter in a row, according to research from Canalys. Mobile sales are improving.

As you can see from the graph, Since 2022, the mobile market has not stopped falling on sale. Each quarter, year-on-year with the same quarter of the previous year, recorded throughout 2022 and most of 2023. a waterfall that seemed to have no endBut after a long journey through the desert, the last three quarters set a record growth of 8%, 10% and 12%a significant increase after the last two years of decline.

Canalys Mobile Smartphone Sales

After a long recession, the trend in the mobile market is showing increasingly positive data

Samsung Continues to Beat Apple

Another aspect to highlight in the latest quarter’s data is that Samsung is becoming more and more authoritative ahead of the market. They typically lose the last quarter each year when it coincides with the release of the annual iPhone, but quickly regain the lead the following quarter with each new Samsung Galaxy S and maintain it for the following quarters. Xiaomi’s position also stands out.increasingly approaching the two great leaders in sales and showing that current domain three-headed.

Thus, Current sales figures, according to Canalys researchleaves the brand distribution for the final quarter as follows:

  • Samsungwhich remains the leader: 18%.
  • Manzana retains second place: 16%.
  • XiaomiThirdly, it is getting closer to the two giants: 15%.
  • alivein fourth place, with a growing market for cheap mobile phones: 9%.
  • Transitionstanding out among developing countries, in fifth place: 9%.

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