Donald Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention, live | Former president assures he will close the border “from day one” | USA Elections

Immigration arrived and Trump promised that if he returned to the White House, he would close the border on the first day of his term.

After a sarcastic comment in which he talked about how when he was president he deported hundreds of members of the Mara Salvatrucha gang and used federal aid funds as a bargaining chip so that countries, Central American, although he did not name them directly, could get them back, Trump has assured that the other thing he will do “from day one” in addition to producing more oil will be “closing the border.”

He assured that he and all Republicans want more people to come to the country, but only if they enter legally. Then a large graph was projected on dozens of screens showing how illegal immigration has evolved between his mandate and Biden’s mandate: “This graph saved my life,” he said, referring to the fact that during the rally in which last Saturday there was a turning point in which he was shot, turning his head slightly to see this graph prevented the bullet from hitting his head precisely.

After that, Trump continued his famous anti-immigrant speech full of deception and stigma: “This is the largest invasion in history”, “They are not just coming from South America, but from all corners of the world”, “They come from prisons, they come from jails, they come from mental institutions and asylums.

(tags to translate)United States

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