An evening on television: you adore Milady, remember Eva Green, who conquered the stars… with Thomas Pesquet! – Actus Sine

Today AlloCiné vous recommends the film for viewing on television. Ce soir: intime and puissant qui vaus émouvoir.

Proxima is the story of Sarah (Eva Green), a French astronaut who realizes she has left Earth on a mission. As astronauts dress up for the rigors of training, women alone among humans, they prepare to be separated from their children.

Sorti en salles en 2019, this drama intime et puissant, à la mise en scène épurée, est à ne pas manquer. If he becomes a spectator in the daily fascinating training of an astronaut, he will encounter the également en lumière une buuleversante associated with mère-fille.

“I know this mutual understanding well, machine, I’m a little 10-year-old girl.”, – says realist Alisa Vinokur at our micro-laboratories to promote the film. “I found an interesting idea about removing the Earth, which echoes the girl’s breakup.

The stage is also constructed as phases of the division of the fusée. Next, how do you feel about the separation, comment on it, and another comment says that you are guilty of it being mine.”

A proxima to this was implemented with the help of the European Spatial Agency Assistant. The film equipment has access to locations frequented by astronauts that were never filmed: the Cologne Entertainment Center, which is the base of the European Spatial Agency, as well as the closed Star City village before the premiere. Moscow and the end of the Baikonur Cosmodrome, a military base surrounded by checkpoints, are part of the fuse protection for the maintenance of the International Spatial Station. Thus, the created decor was not created and the layout was not used.

In her debut letter, Alice Winokur held a meeting in Cologne at the locations of the European spatial agency. Thomas Pesquet, who prepared the first volume, was introduced. A French astronaut appears in the film.

Ce soir sur arte at 20:55.

Band-announcement of “Trois Mousquetaires Milady” with Eva Green:

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