Press Release of the Week – 🔴 Info Libertaire

Criticize the media

“Economy: Why are the media fighting the NFP?”, ArrĂŞt sur images, 15/07 (article completed in reserve for subscribers).

“Meurtre d’une femme trans: titre transphobe sur BFM Paris”, ArrĂŞt sur images, 13/07.

“DĂ©route des Ă©ditorialistes: Rien ne s’est passĂ© comme prevu”, Blast, 14/07.

“Nicolas Conquer: former LR-RN candidate and invited TV viewers on Trump”, ArrĂŞt sur images, 16/07 (article completed in reserve for subscribers).

“It is advantageous for a journalist to obtain information from sources”: David Guiraud (LFI) battles Geraldine Wessner (Le Point) live on BFMTV”, PureMedias, 16.07.

“The Zhegu-Orado Case: A Meme About the Kiss of a CNews Parody” Humanity17.07.

“A psychiatrist against MeToo on CNews: The battle is over”, Search images, 16/07 (full reserve of articles for subscribers).

“Geoffrin, Fourest: ils ne sont plus à un mensonge près pour Taper sur LFI,” Le Média, 17/07.

“Carolina Furest and Public Service,” blog, 12/07.

Media economics

“Marianne”: CMI France and Pierre-Edouard Steren face “clear desire” for salaries in exclusive negotiations Le Monde18/07 (article completely reserved).

“Les Échos: Christophe Jakubyshin confirms his reorganization within an elected staff”, La Lettre, 12/07 (article completed in reserve for outsiders).

“AlertsInfos” publishes the contents of “Mediavenir” by Pierre-Edouard Steren, ArrĂŞt sur images, 13/07 (article entirely reserved for subscribers).

“The political situation created by the indefinite croissant for everyday life”, La Lettre, 15/07 (article completed on reserve for subscribers).

“The Regis regime in Provence, a place of isolation for the uncompromising stripes on BFM TV”, La Lettre, 15/07 (article completed in reserve for subscribers).

“Where to put the “Causette”?”, View images, 17/07 (full article reserved for pre-registration).

“Our 2023 events: a horribilis anniversary”, Search images, 17/07 (the article is complete and on hold for AbonnĂ©s).

Attribution of TNT frequencies by l’Arcom

“C8 and CNews could be damaged by frequent TNT?”, July 15, Liberation15/07 (article completely reserved).

“Devant l’Arcom, CNews s’accroche Ă  son modele de chaĂ®ne d’opinion”, Mediapart, 15/07 (article completed in reserve for subscribers).

“Listening to Cnews devant l’Arcom: propaganda against pluralism”, Blast, 15/07.

Pas de fréquence pour les chaînes de la haine, C8 and CNews, Tribune, 15/07.

“TNT Frequencies Attribution: BFM-TV Fulfilled Promises, l’Arcom reclame des Engagements”, Le Monde16/07 (article completely reserved).

« Television: The Enchantment of Charm L’Express, Western France et Daniel Kretinsky pour dĂ©crocher une frequence”, Figaro16/07 (article completely reserved).

“Face Ă  l’Arcom, the media defend the ambitious projects of the TNT chain “Citizen de Gauche””, Liberation13/07 (full article available for subscription).

In the editorial office

“Affaire Libyenne: “The BFMTV news agency is wrong at Sarkozy’s service””, View images, 12/07.

“BFM TV’s disappointment after Mediapart’s revelations about Operation Sauver Sarko” Liberation12/07 (full article reserved for subscription)

“Adele Van Riet, director of France Inter, visited the bride’s movement” Le Monde12/07 (full article available for subscription).

“France Inter recruits la guide adjoining the Editorial du Point”, La Lettre, 12/07 (article completed in reserve for subscribers).

“France Bleu meets the free antenna “Les mots du soir””, ArrĂŞt sur images, 14/07 (article completed in reserve for subscribers).

“French television: syndicates prepare to take action against broadcasts in production branches”, La Lettre, 17/07 (article completed in reserve for subscribers).

Signalman, and also

“L’Arcom strengthens rules to control pluralism in audiovisual media” Le Monde18/07 (full article available for subscription).

“After the false sensation on immigration, the ‘JDD’ is a visa for one party of macroniste”, Mediapart, 13/07 (full article reserve for subscribers).

“Call for the disarmament of the BollorĂ© empire!” Les Soulèvements de la Terre.

“France: RSF publishes reports of mortal threat to journalists”, RSF, 15/07.

And also in the world: India, Burkina Faso…

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