July 21, 2024 Nine polio cases in Pakistan this year

July 21, 2024

Health authorities Pakistan a new case was reported wild poliovirus type 1 (DPV1) in a one and a half year old child from the city area. Job, Balochistan.

This is the ninth case reported in Pakistan this year (7 in Balochistan) and the 18th case reported worldwide (Afghanistan has reported another 9).

The affected child developed compatible symptoms on June 28 and subsequent tests of samples taken from him were positive for WPV1. Genetic sequencing of the isolated virus is underway.

The resurgence of the polio virus in the region is a major concern.

Local Risks Pakistan

More information about polio in Pakistan

  • Status Report:
    • 2024 year. June 3, 4th case; April 1, positive environmental samples (New Badin District); March 16, Poliovirus type 1 case in Dera Bugti, Balochistan.
    • 2023 year. October 23 New case of wild polio in Karachi; October 15 Wild polio found in Peshawar waters; October 5 3 cases this year in the country; May 2023 Presence of virus in wastewater Peshawar and Hangu; March Bannu The seven endemic districts include North Waziristan, Upper and Lower South Waziristan, Dhi Khan, Bannu, Tank and Lakki Marwat.
    • 2022 year. Pakistan reported 20 WPV1 cases in southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province (17 of them in North Waziristan, two children in Lakki Marwat and one child in South Waziristan); July North Waziristan, June Mir Ali, North Waziristan, Mai Mir Ali, Mai Miranshah, April case of wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) in North Waziristan.
    • 2020 yearKhyber Pakhtukhwa province reports 22 cases
    • 2019 year. December 2019, August 2019, May 2019
  • May 2014 WHO declared a “public health emergency of international concern” due to international spread of wild poliovirus observed in several countries during 2014. Residents and regular visitors (>4 weeks) should receive a dose of VPO or VPI 4 weeks to 12 months before any international travel. If travel is urgent, at least one dose should be ensured upon departure.
  • Wild poliovirus is circulating in the country (93 cases in 2013).

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