(Cinema) Adèle Exarchopoulos Releases Planète B for Aude Lea Rapin

Two years later, adventures occur on the country’s borders Les Cinques Diablesa fantasy drama created by Leah Misius, Adele Exarchopoulos, dedicated to exploring genres with a new project that is in the territory of science fiction.

L’actrice a en effet pris le depart pour Planet Bthe second feature film by Aude director Léa Rapin, which was recently re-released in 2019 with Heroes are never sincere, which is available in the selection of the 58th Semaine de la Critique. “Porte” by Adèle Haenel and Jonathan Cousinier, this premiere “œuvre prenait la form du found footage pour évoquer une histoire de fantômes et de reincarnation en plein cœur de la Bosnie – témoignant d’une prenait la form du se Direction vers un territoire sortant de l’ordinaire”. Ce que semble confirmer ce prochain essai, qui va nous parler d’univers parallèles si l’on en croit son synopsis, qui fût révélé dans les colnes du site americain Diversity pour la formalization.

Distributed by Le Pacte and produced by Les Films du Bal, where it is among other films of its kind, Atlantic from Mati Diop or Le Jeune d’Ahed This thriller by Nadav Lapid will be dedicated to the hours of the parks of ordinary women involved. Julia Bombart, activist of the thirtieth anniversary, voit son existence chamboulet à la suite du noche. Participant in a demonstration that unfolds unsuccessfully, this time in the open air, assommant sur Place, the flash ball is switched on. In her revelation, Julia returns to her great bewilderment in her unconquered world, with the words of other activists present at the échaufourrés. The point of departure from the inconstant, of a voyage to the center of this mysterious Planete B…

At the top of the poster, Adèle Exarchopoulos will be the father of Suheila Yacoub, who is now being chained. Dune: The Second Party Denis Villeneuve. The cast also includes Souheila Yacoub, India Hair, Paul Beaurepaire, Eliane Oumouhair and Jonathan Cousinier, who will be making an encore that will continue over the next two years with Aude Léa Rapin after April. Heroes are never sincere. Debutant in production, Planet B It will be reviewed in French and English for the optical benefit of international markets. The production appears to have feature-length potential, as Charlotte Boucon, head of sales at Orange Studio, noted in a statement to Variety. “Planet B is a very entertaining and relaxing film within a good concept, but it is also an auteur film in the genre circle style.”.

Previous time to open December 25 Sur les écrans, le long-métrage est parvenu à britirer la curiosité des puisque des professionalnels Planet B Fera l’ouverture de la Semaine de la Critique de la Mostra de Venise à la fin de l’été, soit une belle vitrine pour se devoiler à la presse et au public.


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