What are the revolutionary laser strips for measuring glucose?

According to a report from Spanish Diabetes Society (SED)Spain is second among European countries with the largest number of diabeticswith nearly 40,000 new cases annually. Patients with this disease must constantly monitor their condition. levels from glucose V blood.

Although at present devices exist which allow us to measure glucose less invasive than needlesthere is still no complete method effective.

For this reason, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore has created smart strip that can measure blood glucose levels at the present time. This innovation uses laser technology and is capable of providing instant measurements of key biomarkers such as glucose.

New Method for Measuring Blood Glucose Levels in Diabetic Patients

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Andrea Reyes

How does the smart strip work?

The mechanism of smart strips is based on the detection of chemical changes in the body. through sweat using tiny droplets of cholesteric liquid crystals (CLCs). The crystals change color in response to changes in the composition of sweat, allowing levels of various substances present in the body to be quantified.

Researchers have shown that these sensors they can measure Not only glucosebut also lactate And ureaoffering important information about the patient’s health status and opening up the possibility of its application in medical assessment of other diseases.

smart patch proved to be very sensitive to minor changes, and all information is transmitted to the smartphone of the patient with diabeteswhich ensures precise and efficient control.

The arrival of this patch on the market marks a technological and health revolution in the field of healtheliminating the need for needles and other invasive tests for those who require ongoing monitoring of their biomarkers.

How is glucose level measured?

There are various equipment and laboratory tests available for measure glucose:


  • Capillary glucometer: These are the most well-known and most commonly used among diabetics. They require a small blood sample taken from a finger.
  • Continuous Glucose Meter (CGM): This is a device that measures glucose levels in the interstitial fluid/between cells.
  • Flash-type glucometer: This device also measures through interstitial fluid and lasts longer than a CGM.


  • A1c test or hemoglobin A1c or HbA1c test: measures your average blood sugar levels over the past three months.
  • Blood glucose test or fasting blood glucose test: Measures the glucose levels in your blood to find out if your sugar levels are within a healthy range.

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Andrea Reyes

What is a normal glucose level?

World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that normal blood sugar level, fastingis among the number 70 and 100 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter)A range of 101 to 125 mg/dL represents an altered basal blood glucose level, which can be considered prediabetes; and a range of 126 mg/dL or more is diagnostic for diabetes.

Levels blood glucose They vary from person to person depending on age, physical activity, medication use, or the presence of any medical condition.

This information in no way replaces a diagnosis or a doctor’s prescription. It is important to consult a specialist when symptoms appear and never self-medicate.

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