The discovery on Mars that will change everything

This discovery on Mars changes everythingExperts don’t believe these disturbing images coming from the Red Planet. Space exploration is the last frontier facing humanity. The future on planet Earth seems to be limited by a series of conditions that will eventually cease to exist. To survive, humanity must start thinking about the changes we want to achieve, which may ultimately bring us more than one surprise. Leaving the planet is no easy task.

NASA has spent decades trying to advance a technology that could ultimately be important. The possibility of space travel is still something of a science fiction fantasy. There is no safe technology that could get humans off the planet, and we don’t know how it would affect current systems. There are no ships ready to guarantee the ability to make a round trip, just one way. Mars is a red planet that has been explored for decades by scientists who admire it and analyze it from a distance.

Experts don’t believe it

specialists studying the planet Mars from Earth They don’t believe everything that comes out of this place in the universe. It’s the closest planet to ours with conditions that allow exploration; those closest to the sun present a more difficult challenge in dealing with high temperatures.

Mars is in a position that facilitates the desired space exploration that humans have been pursuing for decades. No humans have been sent to Earth, but a series of robots and probes have been sent to learn a little more about this planet from Earth.

Missions that try to collect small samples or even give us an idea of ​​the surface of this planet. The robot Curiosity is one of the latest to join this research. With the peculiarity that it can move around the surface of Mars, giving the experts working with it from a distance a completely new perspective and samples.

The latest images from Mars are hair-raising and have sparked a wave of theories, even though science has an explanation for absolutely everything.

The Discovery on Mars That Will Change Everything

The robot Curiosity was traveling on this planet when it broke a Martian rock. Something appeared inside that left the experts in complete shock. The color of the inside of this rock was yellow, one of the brightest, which made scientists analyze the fact that it was exactly this color.

NASA explained this yellow rock and everything that happened on this mission of the Curisity robot: “Since October 2023, the rover has been exploring an area of ​​Mars rich in sulfates, a type of salt that contains sulfur and is formed when water evaporates. But where sulfur-based minerals have previously been found, in other words, a mixture of sulfur and other materialsthe rock recently discovered by Curiosity, is made of elemental, or pure, sulfur. It’s unclear what elemental sulfur has to do with other sulfur-based minerals in the area. Although humans associate sulfur with the smell of rotten eggs (due to hydrogen sulfide), elemental sulfur is odorless. It forms only under a narrow range of conditions that scientists have not linked to the history of the site. “And Curiosity found a lot of that: a whole field of shiny rocks, like the ones the rover crushed.”

The same explanation follows: “Finding a field of pure sulfur rocks is like finding an oasis in the desert,” said Curiosity project scientist Ashwin Vasavada of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “It shouldn’t be there, so now we have to explain it. Finding weird and unexpected things is what makes planetary exploration so exciting.” It’s one of several discoveries Curiosity has made during its rover tour of the Gediz Vallis channel, a groove running through part of the 5-kilometer (3.1-mile) Mount Sharp, the base of which the rover has been climbing since 2014. The rock layer represents a different period in Martian history. “Curiosity’s mission is to study where and when ancient terrain on the planet might have provided the nutrients needed for microbial life if it ever formed on Mars.”

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