The best supermarket beer costs only 29 cents.

In summer, the desire for a cold beer increases, and it can be a good ally in the harshest heat. If you don’t have a favorite beer yet and want to save some money but drink something of a certain quality, OCU offers a rating in which they compare the beers you can find in the supermarket.

His comparator includes a group of lager beers, the best-selling in Spain, including 17 classic light beers and 16 specialty beers for both. brands of manufacturers and brands of distributors. The consumer and user organization ensures that they value the product’s processing, ingredients, alcohol level, degree of fermentation, bitter compounds, carbonation or color, among other factors, as well as the presence of additives (which in this case did not contain any) or labeling. The analysis is carried out in an independent and accredited laboratory, which complies BJCP Standards (Beer Judge Certification Program).

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