Natalie Portman, Juive et étrangère, vide son sac sur la gauche en France: “This union…

Couple Frances Uliel

– I published it.

Natalie Portman, who has settled in Paris for the past few years, has published and revealed remarkable details of the latest legislative elections.

Natalie Portman, who played Mathilde in Luc Besson’s Leon, watched in États-Unis, mais également en France. Vendredi, July 12, former comrade of Benjamin Millepied, has been in confidential contact with the viewer for 7 days, declaring: “Figurez-vous que j’habite à Paris et que j’adore ça. J’y ai des amis formidables, j’aime les gens ici, la culture, la literature…. C’est un endroit incroyable pour vivre“. On the way to this entrance, the comedian who screamed about the famous Indian actor was equal in the last legislative elections. The reason for the disclosure of this or that detail is noted.

Natalie Portman works in the legislature

Natalie Portman, watching the events unfold and after the situation changed at the last minute, admits: “There was a great deal of excitement about the mobilization of the French people in the last legislative elections. This assembly and this union are” source of political inspiration…». Mom, on March 16th July, the star of 43 years has announced her participation in France. It was announced on the set of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon: “I want to say a phrase that I know, remember. Slang is made up of inversions of words. And when I say that to understand a language, you should say the comment saying ‘Euh’… It’s the equivalent of ‘Hm’ in English.”

Natalie Portman Makes Her Living in France

Together with us, colleagues at the Guardian, Natalie Portman, we played tout petit peu la France. She explained that she was at odds with Angleterre and the US. “worldwide surit-bokup”, French “sleep plus frida. “I don’t realize that I’m a regular anymore, but it’s the fact that I came back that took me by surprise.” Today, adapted to French culture, the actress hopes that she will be accessible”panic” à l’idee de vivre à l’foreigner.

“French People in Judgments”

“Les Français sont dans le jugement, surtout à Paris. Ils jugent votre façon d’être, but also votre façon de vous habillerYou may not be able to wear your athletic clothes, sandals, shorts, or the colors you live in outside.avait-elle confié. Details about the actress and actors went down to Jimmy Fallon when he was in captivity of the secret son who loves her in the masses. Question to question, which Natalie Portman must answer, the receptionist assures. “No tongs, no shorts”…Qui, selon elle, est la marque de fabrique d’un Américain. Même son de Cloche pour le beret rouge qui est souvent associé à tort aux Français, plus précisément aux Parisiens.

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