This Monday, Iberdrola will pay a cash dividend of 0.351 euros per share.

This Monday Iberdrola pays out cash dividend of EUR 0.351 per share, which will receive 32.2% of the share capital of the electricity company. who decided to receive it in cash rather than shares, which will begin trading next Wednesday, July 31.

Thus, in order to pay dividends in cash, The company will distribute EUR 707,428,556.87. On the other hand, the final number of new shares to be issued as part of the capital increase will be 124,251,000, which represents an increase in the company’s authorized capital by 1.991%.

He The amount of this dividend is added to the total amount of EUR 0.202 per share already paid in January last year as an interim dividend. At the same time, the total amount of remuneration to shareholders accrued for 2023 will amount to EUR 0.553 gross per share, which is 11.5% more than in the previous year.

Except, investors received 0.005 euros per share as a participation dividend, andsince the quorum of the General Shareholders’ Meeting reached 70%. Iberdrola therefore continues to fulfil its commitment to increase its dividend in line with the evolution of its results, with the aim of reaching a range of between 0.61 and 0.66 euros per share in 2026.

Once again, in this issue, shareholders had three options: receive in cash an amount equal to the final dividend; sell their rights on the market; or receive new shares issued by the company for free. These three options are not exclusive, so a shareholder can choose one of the alternatives or combine them at his own discretion.

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