“Gasol’s spirit is in the air”

The team is on its own, but a loss to mighty Canada on Friday could see them eliminated. “We played one of the best games we’ve played in years,” Scariolo said.

Santi Aldama He was about to face the toughest game of his career. And the most delicious. The spotlight would be on him and his dance partner, one of the three best players in the world. A litmus test for those who make it to the NBA, for those who demand more, more quality, and now more character. Canary is not Pau Gasol and he has no intention of doing so. But for now, without a doubt, it is the pillar that keeps Spain alive.

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“The spirit of Pau is in the air,” he jokes. Scariolowhose memory, like everyone else’s, goes back to nine years ago, when Gasol destroyed France in that same Pierre Mauroy. The fact is that EuroBasket, too, has fallen on its knees Giannis Antetokounmpo. He and Aldama challenged each other yesterday, the Greek winning a lot (27 points, but missed a three to tie the game at 20 seconds), Santi also a little (he took a couple of offensive fouls and got angry after getting hit in the head), although it was he who really smiled last, winning the victory over the Spanish team, which he almost sealed with a dunk after an offensive rebound with two minutes left. All the good omens of the pre-Olympic tournament are reserved for the Grizzlies: in two Olympic games, they are averaging 23 points (4.5 threes at 56.3%) and 8.5 rebounds.

“There is no real strategy. It was about taking the paint, being physical, being in front of him. He is the MVP. There is no recipe to stop him,” admitted Aldama, who spoke of “courage”: “I think that’s the word that describes our game.

Antetokounmpo and Aldama during the game. Michael Conroy

After Saturday’s setback, Scariolo asked for a step up against Greece, for experts and non-experts alike. And he got the answer from his team, increasing their concentration and executing their defensive plans to the letter. To beat the Greeks again, as they did nine years ago, also in Lille (nine national victories in the last 11 official matches). “We played a great game, one of the best in recent years,” the coach acknowledged, emphasizing the control of the rebound. When those of Spanoulis They came back, in a finish where they showed mental maturity, their soul came out. “We put all our heart, we put all our head, we also made some progress in key moments of the game, and I think we deserved to win.” Victory, at least, was in Pierre Mauroy’s mind, and Spain already has it. But the accounts do not give up and it may not be enough.

Then a very powerful Canada knocked off Australia (93-83) and left the team in a scenario in which it can only finish fourth. However, this also means that it is not mathematically guaranteed to finish even third. Now, on Friday, it could be first (if it wins and Greece also beats Australia) and even eliminated (if it loses and Greece wins by between 3 and 17 points). Spanish Canada Jordi Fernandez He is already classified and could even become a leader, having given in a little…

The top two from each group and two of the third three teams go to Bercy. FIBA ​​then holds a cross-country draw in which they cannot face the same opponent from the first round again.

A duel without a grid, the one on Friday, in which he might not be there. Rudy Fernandez. Spain knew how to handle this drama, even after seeing its great leader fall in battle. The captain took the accidental blow from Juancho Hernangomez. He had just scored two saves and retired to the locker room battered. “He’s fine. He took a very hard hit, but there’s no risk of anything serious. However, we have to monitor him for the next few hours. We’ll see if he can be ready for the next game,” Scariolo continued.

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