Les Confessions de Måneskin, Italian rock band accompanied by Iggy Pop and the program Rock en Seine.

Contrary to other contests after Eurovision kitsch, the Italian androgynous rock group Moneskin has conquered the world and the Biberonian generation of rap on guitars. Meet the electric formation and three frets at the concert at the Rock en Seine festival on August 22.

Moneskin – DARLING (WILL YOU COME?) (2023).

Iggy Pop pose with your voice on one of the sea’s seas. TikTok brings everything Miley Cyrus and the Etro brand, which are qualified and Diesel which turned the singer into a global ambassador for masculinity. Gucci Beauty and he assured the premiere of the party The Rolling Stones to Las Vegas. And Generation Z sees them as a new light. David Bowie (même s’ils sont loin de lui Arriver à la Cheville). Bref, he’s not ku’Amanda Lear Those who read the refusal chose: collaboration on live television, which was not paid.

Important informationEurovision in May 2021, the Italian rock band Moneskin (which means “clair de lune” in Danoan) I have won the hearts of 183 million viewers.. This is what rap’s true cultural hegemony is, the tent of the little miracle.

Platinum and six gold certifications, as well as 195 million views for this pipe. Zitti and goodness, Moneskin You might also be the first Italian rock band to reach the top 10 of the English and American charts with a plus of singles. While viewers stream on Spotify, ils ont même fait mieux, after the Eurovision performance, que des pointures comme les Fu Fighters You Kings of Leon.

Meet Måneskin, the rock band performing at Rock en Seine

Lords of our meeting with three members Moneskin In a luxury Parisian hotel, the staff proved worthy of cell phones reserved for superstars. Extra managers, guards for the building, not to mention the hysterical fans who pass by the place, not located in the vicinity. Pourtan, Damiano David (singer), Thomas Ruggie (guitarist) etc. Ethan Torchio (striker) – Angelis’ Victoryla bassiste, bad ce jour-là, manque à l’appel – sont étonnamment simple, volubiles et decontractés.

If you have encountered an exceptional beauty of androgyny that left an impression of itself, restored in the beautiful environment of the film Velvet gold veinour group together in the lives of friends and family. With a sexy surprise, charismatic leader of the group, Damiano Davidstart with the phenomenal success of your band, which organizes promotions and concerts (note à Rock on the Seine August 22): «If I don’t explain it, it’s cool. What is it that reprised what he chose after a certain temperature. We moved, our songs, mélange glam rock, hard rock and other styles that were in resonance, as well as those who chose a new style for the plus girls tandis that the plus girls who saw them as nostalgiques en us écoutant. On the rapper’s part, they chose groups that were loved.»

Moneskin in the Gucci Aria @ Gucci Beauty advertising campaign.

If the singer is still surprised by the number of views and likes, he is not pas moins ravi. “On a new style that is not considered mainstream or ‘radio-friendly’,” ajuut-t-il, on the waves and in the charts. “It’s revenge, the funny machine, tout le monde nous disait que ça n’allait, which will never arrive.”

And, in fact, the number of Italians who are taking the disc apart is growing Hurry! (2023) is the most beautiful that the group formed in 2015 in the country with immediate fame. David, De Angelis and Raji, who became known after graduating from the College of Rome, and Torchio, who returned to the group after answering an ad on Facebook, ont débuté sans faire des étincelles.

Don’t pass by the halls and don’t buy rock bands in the old days, the formation begins with production on the street, in lyceums and restaurants. Participant Ils in the bathroom, 2017, in the Italian edition of the show. X-factorTheir attention is not drawn to the place of the premiere, but they are not abandoned to places for reading, they hang out on Mars at the last festival of Italian chanson in San Remo, they do not use Kuronese songs.

«On fait ce boulot par Passion et non pour l’argent.” Moneskin

Persistently, the three members of the group, who have already recorded three albums, began to express their index of author’s engagement: “In addition to our music, what we play, this is the look, the attitude, comment on what is at the moment, comment on the Internet with our fans, do not do this, and do not do that, and the reason why we play the game. Our reasons that we chose what we rendezvous with. And this joy does rejoice in the others. In fact, this is a boulot of passion and not for the sake of it.»

The three artists point out that they see points that return to what makes the formation’s enormous retention. Their rock songs from the genres (I understand, reggae and funk notes) are addictive and read the performances of live regulars, involving a troupe of musicians. This charisma is scénique, sparkling, charming, like a leur attachment to leurs racines (they live toujours in Rome and chant in Italy). More than a frock coat, Moneskin an embodiment of madness that chose entertainment, authenticity and abrasiveness, which is something that can be lost in a time when filters come to social media and auto-tune.

Moneskin – I WANT TO BE YOUR SLAVE (2021).

Il ya d’abord le parfum de Scandale, comme dans toutes les bonnes histoires. Rock band Lorsque announced thisEurovisionils not pas pu tout de suite, enjoying the victory. On the night of the ceremony, rumors actually spread on social networks. From nombreux telespectateurs, thinking about vu, of a film sequence, Damiano DavidI found a table on the train for cocaine users. Face the great controversy, the singer you need, after you release the test of despair, which causes negative emotions. Aujourd’hui encore, il nie avoir pris de la drogue.

The presenter explains why he doesn’t know what to do with the children: “The stereotypes of “sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll” are stupid and demodic. Rock, for us, is music before all else. It’s a way of life. It’s not about playing the electric guitar or the port du couir, or the mauvais garçon. The spirit of rock is libre and rests on what it does and what it does. Don’t let others make you do what you choose, what you don’t want to do.»

“Ce n’est pas parce qu’on joue de la guitar electric or qu’on porte du cuir, qu’on est des mauvais garçons.” Damiano David

If the band prefers cigarettes with hard drugs, then the essence of rock in the 70-80s is beautiful and eternal for the band. In retrospective of the cancellation of la façon dont les New York Dolls and many other glam rock icons dedicated to the genre’s tracks. But young Italians on the intelligence of the adapter This art of traveling at a faster pace, translates sexy lyricism into images that speak to Generation Z. Damiano David, 25 years old, Victoria Deangelis24 years ago Thomas Ruggie and others. Ethan Torchio, All two are 23 years old, and this is an omen, without question, of femininity or masculinity. This is what she chose the most natural and sensuelle that she does.

Damiano David, leader of Måneskin, in the Gucci Aria @ Gucci Beauty campaign.

“He said that qu’on peut aider des gens plus jeunes qui se sendent différents à s’accepter.Damiano David

Sur-la-planet MoneskinThe men are made up, foreshadowing sparkling jewelry, three high heels and affriolantes. I don’t think about pure aesthetic choice. Damiano David and others. Thomas Ruggie he was at the concert in Poloni and at the last anniversary of the protester against homophobia that destroyed the country. And read our message of self-confidence and tolerance. Les Romainssemblen us dire: « Aimez-vous et acceptez-vous comme vous êtes.»

It’s too late Come as you are from Nirvana. What for? Moneskinthe expression soi do not depend on his sex. This exaltation of the personality is the class of the world of the group, which sings on one of its pipes: “Nous sommes fous, mais nous sommes d’eux.” Damiano David (What often happens to a singer and actress? Dove Cameron) we analyze: «In a big way, it is a reflection of the discriminations and injustices that exist in our society. Maintaining the possibility of you and écoupages to different ends of the world, under the impression that la bonne has chosen to be fair, this is the fairest passer of positive messages. On the other hand, there are other people who are condemned to be accepted differently.»

In this mission, social networking plays an important role. And communication Moneskin On Instagram and TikTok, it’s one of the most precise moments that exists in music right now. Ethan Torchio notes: “For us, the most important thing is to communicate with our fans, to share music and what we want is to be a big deal. With a TV or a portfolio, a resume is something that is on the train, but not a person, without passions. Big, but also something that can be very dangerous. “And on nelit pas tous les commentaires, but on deviendrait fou.”

The main point, perhaps, is the rassurers. In rare cases, negative comments also appear on YouTube or Instagram regarding artists of this size. This is not a recompense, but rather a talk about a Eurovision trophy, which he recalled when he took it to be considered a totalitarian in the cultural canons of the moment.

Hurry! (Are you coming?)(2023) Moneskina, available. The band will perform at the Rock en Seine festival on August 22, 2024.

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