The group was stealing mail in the US. Until a woman decided to put an AirTag on her correspondence

This week, a Santa Barbara, California, woman found a package stolen from her mailbox in post office district. The alleged thieves were eventually arrested and now face trial. However, the story would not have reached this point if the victim had not used the tracker.

As the Los Angeles Times notes, it all started a long time ago. Their packages simply disappeared, and the police were unable to find the culprits. Worried about losing her mail over and over again, the woman thought it would be a good idea to send a package with an active AirTag. Maybe that would allow him to find the culprits.

AirTag as a “detective”

Last Monday, local police responded to a report of a robbery at the Los Alamos Post Office. The victim was there and told agents that a package Apple tracker is onThe authorities did not hesitate to organize an operation to travel to the address where the victim’s AirTag was located.

When they entered the house, they found the package from the woman who had filed the complaint, as well as other items that they explained had been stolen from a dozen other victims. The search resulted in the arrest of a 27-year-old woman and a 37-year-old man, both with previous convictions.


“The Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the victim for her proactive decision, while emphasizing that she also exercised appropriate caution in contacting law enforcement to arrest suspects “safely and successfully,” the police said in a statement.

AirTag, introduced in 2021, is a device that costs 39 euros (129 euros in a pack of four) and allows us to locate personal items. For example, we can add it to our backpack or keys. It does not have GPS, but it has ultra-wideband (UWB) technology and is integrated into the Apple search network.

They mailed an Apple AirTag and an Android tracker. The results were staggering compared to Google's system.

Regarding what happened in California, it should be noted that not all areas will allow police to attempt to recover allegedly stolen devices, even if the owner claims to know where they are. In some countries, you must have court order to enter the address in question.

Images | Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office | Max Fleischmann | USP

In Hatake | AirTags were designed to find your keys. For hundreds of women, they also served as stalking.

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