NASA Discovers Object 27,000 Times Larger Than Earth That Could ‘Escape Gravity’
NASA Tracks Mysterious Object Flying Through Milky Way at over a million miles per hour and could be about to be launched into intergalactic space. In addition, the mass identified by the work team Planet 9, It is 27 thousand times larger than the Earth.
The project, which continues on its way, according to British media Mirrorseveral years ago described this mass as similar in size to a small star, but tens of thousands of times larger than Earthand called it CWISEThis “intergalactic phenomenon” is currently flying around the Milky Way at over 1 million miles per hour. The speed is so great that it could escape the galaxy’s gravity and disappear into space.
Where did this mysterious mass come from? According to their estimates, CWISE may have evolved from a binary system with white dwarf -that is, the stellar remnant- that exploded supernovaExperts also believe it could have originated from a cluster that came into contact with a pair of black holes, beginning its rapid journey.
Kyle Kremer, an associate professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of California, San Diego, detailed the research in an interview with Mirror: “When a star collides with a binary black hole, the complex dynamics of this three-body interaction can eject that star from the globular cluster.”
The discovery was made through a collaboration of volunteers, specialists and students. The W. M. Keck Observatory on Maunakea in Hawaii analyzed that it has “less iron and metals than other stars.” The discovery suggests that the dough is very old and goes back millions of years to the first generations of stars in the Universe. Milky Way.
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