Spanish researchers want to get rid of the desire to exercise

Regular exercise, along with diet, is one of the fundamental principles of a healthy lifestyle. reach old age with a good quality of life. People who engage in moderate exercise tend to have greater muscle mass, denser and stronger bones, fewer mobility problems, and therefore greater independence, especially as they get older. In addition, sport brings a sense of well-being because of the release of endorphins. But despite the huge benefits, starting to exercise is difficult.

To exercise regularly, you need to develop a habit. It all starts with small actions that will require a lot of effort at first, but gradually we will be able to do them almost automatically. This period of adaptation varies greatly among each of us. While some people can develop a habit in as little as 15 days, others need several months for their body to adapt to the new situation. Now, the National Cancer Research Center believes that in the future, we may skip this period.

To this end, the Metabolic Disease Organ Interactions Group, led by researcher Guadalupe Sabio, is studying how different organs relate to each other. In one of his latest studies, published in the journal Achievements of Science They were able to demonstrate how exercise activates two proteins called p38α and p38γ. Of the two, p38γ is particularly interesting because it induces the production of IL-15. The researchers suspect that IL-15 is able to alter the activity of the cerebral cortex and promote the desire to play sports spontaneously.

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