Police officer injured in attack on synagogue in southern France

According to the authorities, this Saturday a municipal police officer was injured in an attack against a synagogue in the town of La Grand Motte (southern France, near Montpellier). Two vehicles have been set on fire near the Beth Yaakov synagogue, one of them containing a gas cylinder, causing an explosion that injured the officer, although not seriously.

The incident, which occurred shortly before 8.30 a.m., is of “clearly criminal” origin, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said in a message on the social network Jews and the City has my full support. “All means have been mobilized to find the author,” he added.

According to public radio, the flames of the arson reached the door of the synagogue, which was empty at the time. The fires broke out in four different places, and the attack occurred on a day of the week when the temple has the highest attendance.

The government representative for the Hérault department has announced that he has already ordered the police and gendarmerie to “strengthen the protection of Jewish interests in the department.”


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