A boy is walking his dog and finds a gold Roman military bracelet

Rowan Brannan walks his dog on the beaches of Pagham, a coastal town in southern England, in 2022 He found a strange golden bracelet which he took homeDespite his mother’s protests, the boy, who was 12 at the time, became convinced he had found a treasure and began the search, which bore fruit two years later.

And the bracelet is not only made of gold, as I suspected, but it’s also a fairly rare piece: it’s a Military bracelet of the Roman period It was awarded as a mark of “honour in battle”. Although not complete, few objects of this type have been found in Britain, making it an important discovery that will be on display at the Novium Museum in Chichester from September.

After taking it home, Rowan and her mom Amanda consulted a jeweler He confirmed that the bracelet was gold. He then contacted the Mobile Antiquities Programme, a British Museum project that studies and catalogues archaeological discoveries made by populations in British territory.

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