Julio Mendez leaves through Puerta Grande to Arenas de San Pedro.

Julio Mendez He came out on his shoulders during a mixed bullfight held this afternoon at the arena in Sands of San Pedro. A festival where bulls Adolfo Martin and eras Pablo Mayoral, and in which the bullfighter from Extremadura cut off a total of four ears, removing the ears of two of his opponents after two important tasks. He cut off the ear of the first noon, Curro Diaz, in a task worthy of great merit, and he did very well in the fourth, conducting a moderate bullfight that ultimately did not affect the ranks. Manuel Escribano shot racistly and truthfully in the fifth round, fighting slowly and with class, and cut off the ear of the law.

He walked over both ears. Julio Mendez first era of day, iron Pablo Foreman. A well thought out task, with rhythm and frequency. After the blow he exposed two appendages and the bull was rewarded by being returned to the ring. he cut it off Julio Mendez two more ears of the sixth day, with which he loved in natural bullfighting. A round day for a bullfighter who has passed a total of four ears.

rennet Notary fifth – a very real task: bullfighting very slowly and moderately, a big bull Adolfo Martin. One of the most outstanding performances of the season by a right-hander Gerena. He lost the double trophy after he got it pierced and lost his royal ear. The second of Adolfo Martin had a small stroke and was not fixed in the gear Manuel Escribano, who still left a worthy task with a damaged sword, possibly losing an ear. Ovation.

cut off an ear Curro Diaz At the beginning of the day, the stalled and dumb bull, who lacked strength, finished breaking. A worthy task for the bullfighter, who after the injection has an appendage. The task Curro Diaz at quarter past one o’clock. A very important task on a bull that was cracked, but with the nobility and agility with which he delivered long and moderate blows. Silence

Holiday sheet:

Hierro Adolfo Martina - SpainHierro Adolfo Martina - SpainIron by Pablo Mayoral (Spain)Iron by Pablo Mayoral (Spain)bullfighting arena Arenas de San Pedro, Avila. Mixed bullfighting. Bulls Adolfo Martin and bulls Pablo Mayoral (3rd and 6th places), with good presence and good play in the general lines.

CURRO DIAZ, ear and silence

MANUEL SCRIBANE, ovation and ear

JULIO MENDEZ, two ears and two ears

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