Fraud in Venezuela: the Chavista prosecutor’s office summons Edmundo González Urrutia to testify next Monday, August 26, for a criminal investigation

Tarek William Saab, attorney general of the Venezuelan dictatorship (Reuters/Leonardo Fernandez Viloria)
Tarek William Saab, attorney general of the Venezuelan dictatorship (Reuters/Leonardo Fernandez Viloria)

As the Venezuelan regime’s attorney general announced on Friday, tarek william saabThis Saturday the Public Ministry (Prosecutor’s Office) Edmundo González Urrutia, presidential candidate of the majority opposition, called to testifyfor a criminal investigation against him, due to the alleged commission of crimes linked to an anti-Chavismo complaint of electoral fraud.

The appointment is for next Monday, August 26th at 10amAccording to what is indicated in the summons issued by the Prosecutor’s Office related to dictator Nicolás Maduro.

According to the summons, the opposition leader must appear at the MP headquarters in Caracas as part of the investigation. “The alleged charges include crimes such as usurpation of functions, forgery of public document, incitement to disobey laws, computer crime, aiding and abetting in the commission of a crime, and conspiracy.”

The prosecutor’s office investigates the website where the main opposition coalition – the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) – claims to have published 83.5% of the minutes of the July 28 presidential elections, showing González Urrutia’s victory.

“Please appear before this financial representation of the Public Ministry on August 26, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (…) to give an interview regarding the facts that this office is investigating related to the publication and maintenance of the website”, reads the summons.

Bulletin issued by the Chavista Prosecutor's Office
Bulletin issued by the Chavista Prosecutor’s Office

“He must come to this summons so that he can speak in a consequential and systematic way about his responsibility for his indecency, his disobedience to the authorities before, during and after July 28,” the prosecutor expressed on Friday, in a speech broadcast on state-run channel VTV.

Saab wants the opponent to “make a statement about his authorship” in the publication of these data, he stressed, adding that “he has usurped” a task that “only corresponds to the National Electoral Council (CNE)”, which has not yet published the different results confirming the declared victory of Nicolás Maduro in the election.

Diplomat Edmundo González Urrutia obtained nearly 67% of the vote in the July 28 elections, according to data published by the opposition (EFE/Reiner Pena R.)
Diplomat Edmundo González Urrutia obtained nearly 67% of the vote in the July 28 elections, according to data published by the opposition (EFE/Reiner Pena R.)

“He doesn’t show his face, we don’t know where he is”The prosecutor commented, pointing to González Urrutia’s decision to “shelter in place” in the face of threats from Chavismo, which has requested prison for him and his main supporter, Maria Corina Machado.

The announcement by the prosecutor’s office comes two days after the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) confirmed Maduro’s victory, which has been rejected by several countries, who have called on Venezuelan authorities to publish separate results according to schedule. This Saturday, the European Union (EU) joined the long list of condemnations by rejecting the TSJ’s decision on the elections in Venezuela and demanding that the regime publish “verifiable results”.

“Only independently verifiable results will be accepted and recognised.” To guarantee that the will of the Venezuelan people is respected, the EU countries indicated in a statement published by the Office of the High Representative for Community Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell.

The crimes mentioned by the prosecutor’s office in the investigation against González Urrutia include kidnapping, conspiracy and collaboration to commit a crime.

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