MIT researchers speak out about the practice

He fast This is a practice that is used in some daily allowance and which essentially consists of not swallowing solid food for several hours at a time or even days. In recent years, this exercise has been expanded, and that is why researchers fromMassachusetts Institute of Technologyconducted a study to evaluate their advantages and also theirs dangers.

This study found that while fasting helps intestinal stem cells regenerate and heal injury, it also leads to increased risk of cancer in tests conducted by the MIT research team on mice. “More activity stem cells “It’s good for regeneration, but too much of a good thing can have less beneficial effects over time.”

This is how he explains it Omer YilmazAssociate Professor of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Chief Author of this new study. As detailed in this paper, fasting can boost the regenerative capacity of intestinal stem cells, which helps the gut recover from injury or inflammation.

Fasting May Boost Regenerative Capacity of Intestinal Stem Cells

But if this regenerative capacity increases, so do mutations. In this study, “when can mutationswax During the regenerative period, mice were more likely to develop early-stage intestinal tumors,” they explain from MIT.

However, the lead researcher stressed that this mouse models and that more research is needed before concluding whether fasting has a similar effect in humans. He said: “We still have a lot to learn, but it is interesting that being in a fasted state or fasted at the time of exposure to a mutagen can have a profound effect on the likelihood of developing cancer in these well-defined mouse models.”

Previous research has already shown that during fasting, intestinal stem cells begin to use lipids as a source of energy, not carbohydrates. In addition, this also led to increase significant in regenerative capacity stem cells.

When stem cells are in this highly regenerative state, they are more likely to become cancerous.

With this premise in mind, MIT researchers wanted to study how causes starvation this is an increase in regenerative capacity. The researchers also wondered when regeneration begins, since it can occur during the fast itself or during the period of “overfeeding.”

Thus, the study confirmed that regeneration stem cell production is suppressed during fasting but then increases during period from feedbackHowever, the downside to this situation is that when stem cells are in such a highly regenerative state, they are more likely to become cancerous.

“Intestinal stem cells are some of the most actively dividing cells in the body, helping the intestinal lining completely renew itself every five to ten days. Because they divide with such quantity frequencyThese stem cells are the source The most common precancerous cells in the intestines“, it is concluded. Therefore, “careful consideration is needed when planning dietary regeneration strategies to avoid increasing the risk of cancer development.”

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