This Is How You Should Drink Coffee To Help Burn Fat, According To Science

The drink that is consumed around the world every day and at almost any time is coffee, Well, besides its taste, it is already prepared in many variations and it is a snack to taste. However, few people know that caffeinated coffee burns fat and can help us lose weight. We tell you the details.

Experts point out that it is important to consider both the quantity and what we do after we drink coffee. What an investigation! University of Granada, which showed that drinking coffee before exercise can promote more efficient fat burning.

Scientists from the Department of Physiology at the University of Granada published their results in the scientific journal specializing in nutrition, J.Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, where they explain that caffeine is widely used in sports, but there is not much scientific text supporting its use.

The aim of the study was to find out whether caffeine, when consumed regularly, can improve athletic performance in various disciplines and whether it is useful for accelerating fat burning.

The study involved assessing 15 participants, all men with an average age of 32. All of them completed an exercise test four times a week apart; they were then given 3 milligrams per kilogram of caffeine or a placebo at both 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Participants performed the exercise test in four randomly assigned conditions, with set fasting hours followed by other stimulants or exercise. All of these variables were taken into account when measuring fat oxidation during the practice conducted by the researchers.

After completing the tests, the researchers came to the conclusion that “taking a certain amount of caffeine — about 3 mg/kg, which is typically the amount found in a cup of strong coffee — 30 minutes before aerobic exercise promotes fat burning. This is “remarkable,” they say, in helping to increase fat oxidation.“how,” La Razon is quoted as saying.

An important fact that the study shows is thatIf you exercise in the afternoon, the weight loss effects of caffeine will be even more noticeable than in the evening hours.which in the morning, although he specifies that this is until the fasting hours are similar.

They also recommend consuming caffeine naturally, such as coffee, without milk or sugar. In the case of caffeinated energy drinks, they warn that this is not at all healthy, as most of them are oversweetened.

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