Vive la sororité: Emily in Paris star Sandra Bullock is “the coolest and most noble of women, un modele”

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As you might expect from Retrouve on social networks, the designer is a true role model: in the language of Molière, a source of inspiration for the best generations of women, of influence, charisma, the actions of an interested person – part of the time, a star.

And this is an effective way of saying that a celebrity has decoded an identity, a Magnificent puppet and not to say nothing of sorority – a solidarity among women who are constantly fighting for the patriarchal sisterhood. You know? Lily Collins and Sandra Bullock. He can be an assistant in a beautiful declaration of love among comedians…

And here is Lily Collins’ Car, the poster for the next episode Emily in Parisa postcard of our capital to see millimeters of degrees on Netflix is ​​a memorable one very long time ago Tournament Passes aux Côtes de Sandra Bullock on the beach of success Blind sidewho appreciated the star speed Oscar in the era. C’était in 2009, déjà.

This is the moment when the big tent appeared. And it was long on Bullock, on the street. El story…

Pour Emily Cooper cela ne fait aucun doute: “Sandra Bullock is the most…”

The beautiful Lily Collins on the noble Sandra Bullock: “She is the most feminine co-star, the most noble, the most brilliant and the coolest one I can meet!“, Emily Cooper’s most enthusiastic translator on the American news network Sky News.”Here’s a chance during the premiere of Sandra Bullock’s mother’s film!

It’s clear that for a young actress, Bullock is simply the soul, or great sister, of cinema.

Elle m’a vraiment pris sous son aile pendant this experience and my top toutes les ficelles du métier”

“Même quand elle ne savait pas qu’elle m’enseignait quand même des chooses car je la revais faire sur le plato… la façon dont elle parlait à tout le monde, treatait tout le monde, les questions qu’elle posait et comment elle valorisait son personnage d’une manière ou d’une autre, les chooses que vous pouviez demand or le droit que vous avez, vous savez, d’apporer vos propres idees sur un plat de Tournage…” Collins details in this interview.

I value and respect the image, not her wife, and her mother, and we, when we relax in contact… This is a telephone effect on my cotoyer for my total first experience of this woman incroyable, forte and gentle

Trop Rare for not the Soul, voilà a beautiful declaration of a woman to an outsider, reconnaissance of how she came to Hollywood. Retired from the screen, an encore in honor of God, Sandra Bullock is the great absent woman in dreams and whores, her ensemble plus the present that ever…

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