Actor Christopher Lambert has confirmed that he no longer enters a lift “alone with a woman” following the Me Too scandal.

Actor Christopher Lambert has said that, following the outbreak of the Me Too movement, he no longer enters an elevator “alone with a woman” unless she is his partner. In an interview with El Mundo, the interpreter affirmed that Me Too – which exposed hidden cases of sexual abuse in the world of cinema – is “a sacred movement” and calls to “beware of excesses”.

Lambert, known for films such as Immortal, This is how he reacted after the interviewer said that “he is from a generation of seductresses, in which #MeToo was unimaginable.” When asked in the same interview if he sees the extremist leader Marine Le Pen as “a threat”, he assured that he does not like “extremism on the right or on the left”.

The Me Too movement broke the wall of silence about abuse in Hollywood and spread to many other countries. Complaints and testimonies describe a culture of impunity for the most powerful men in the industry, as well as the use of a position of power to commit sexual violence on actresses.

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