Nirsevimab: Concerns, Questions and Updated Answers (Families)

In a nutshell:
  • The strategy for combating RSV in children adopted by the Public Health Commission (Ministry of Health) for the 2024-2025 season is once again passive immunization with nirsevimab.
  • This note provides an updated collection of frequently asked questions that families with adult children may have when RSV prophylaxis is needed, as well as questions and answers to them.
  • A new feature is an interactive presentation that makes it easier to calculate nirsevimab doses.
  • It should be taken into account that the Autonomous Communities are also responsible for launching the RSV prevention programme this season and that they can make modifications and specific operational aspects even in the target population, including minors aged 6 months without risk factors for RSV.
  • A set of general measures to help prevent respiratory infections in general is also highlighted, and finally, other reliable sources of information are included.



Last July, the Ministry of Health published a document entitled “Update of recommendations for the use of nirsevimab for the 2024-2025 season in Spain”, prepared by the Vaccination Program and Presentation of Documentation, which summarized its most important aspects.

In addition, the same website has previously reported in more detail on the practical and operational aspects of implementing an RSV prevention programme and has recently published a three-page PDF summary to facilitate the monitoring and implementation of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection prevention programmes by professionals.

Now in this note An updated document with the most common doubts, questions and answers, designed for families with children at the age of highest risk and incidence of RSV infections, who may benefit from the use of nirsevimab. It should be taken into account that this season, it is the Spanish autonomous communities and cities (CC.·AA) responsible for the implementation of the RSV immunization programme, which will entail some variability in the operational measures and organisation of the campaign.

New this year is an interactive presentation that makes it easier to calculate nirsevimab doses.

Nirsevimab Dose Calculator

Concerns, Questions and Answers Regarding the Use of Nirsevimab for RSV Infection Prevention, 2024-25 Season

Other useful measures to prevent bronchiolitis and other respiratory infections

Other classic measures follow. highly recommended in all situations.

From the ANDAVAC and CDC website: RSV is highly contagious; it is spread through the saliva and mucus of infected people (in the form of aerosols or droplets produced by breathing, coughing, sneezing…; by touching surfaces or objects on which RSV can remain for hours (pacifiers, toys…) and then touching the mouth, nose or eyes). The main general measures used to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus from other children and adults to infants are:

  • Frequent hand washing (soap and water, at least 20 seconds; hydroalcoholic gel, let it dry).
  • When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with your elbow (not your hands). Use disposable paper tissues.
  • Do not take children to kindergarten while they are sick. Do not allow adults with respiratory infections to approach the child, even if it is just a mild cold (limit visits to newborns, especially in the fall-winter, cold season). If this cannot be avoided, it is recommended to use face masks.
  • Avoid exposure to tobacco smoke and crowded places.
  • Breastfeeding helps protect against viral infections such as bronchiolitis.

Source: ANDAVAK website.

Other sources of information

For families: The ANDAVAC page dedicated to this topic provides information for families on the topic: bronchiolitis, what is nirsevimab? (official leaflet, in PDF format), why is it recommended, how and who should it be done? and other frequently asked questions and concerns. Please note that some sections (when, where, citation) are only applicable to Andalusia (each AC organizes these practical aspects according to its resources).

Other resources for families about bronchiolitis:
• Bronchiolitis. EnFamilia, AEP.
• Prevention of bronchiolitis. Immunization against respiratory syncytial virus. EnFamilia, AEP.
• Vaccine against bronchiolitis in pregnant women. EnFamilia, AEP.
• Bronchiolitis. Family and health, AEPap.
• Bronchiolitis in infants: What parents should know. Healthy Kids, AAP.
• Bronchiolitis. Madrid.
• Respiratory syncytial virus. Galicia
• Osakidetsa recalls recommendations for the prevention of bronchiolitis. Basque Country.
• Bronchiolitis: what you need to know? Catalonia
• Have you heard of RSV? Murcia.


More detailed information on this website

• KAV-AEP. Other news about RSV and its prevention.
• CAV-AEP. VRS, in the AEP online immunization guide.
• CAV-AEP, 21 August 2024 Nirsevimab: Updated summary of practical aspects (for professionals).
• CAV-AEP, 24 July 2024 Ministry of Health: Recommendations for the use of nirsevimab against RSV in the 2024–2025 season.
• CAV-AEP, August 7, 2023 Nirsevimab: how to use?, practical aspects.

Links and recommended links

• Ministry of Health. RSV disease. Presentation of the 2024 vaccination program and registry, July 2024. Updated recommendations for the use of nirservimab against respiratory syncytial virus in the 2024–2025 season.
• ANDAVAK. #StopBronchiolitis campaign.

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