Global Omnium uses its technology to detect and track monkeypox in wastewater.

GOLab, the Gamaser laboratory and Global Omnium’s water intelligence center, now has the necessary equipment to detection and monitoring of the evolution of Mpox virus, also known as monkeypox, in wastewater. In fact, its effectiveness was proven previously when it was successfully used during the Mpox outbreak in 2022.

Global Omnium, through GOLab, has decided to create a special division dedicated to innovation and research new methods that make it possible to determine the health status of the population through the study of municipal wastewater.

In this sense, and thanks to the experience gained after the COVID-19 pandemic, during which GOLab launched a pioneering tool for the early detection and tracking of the evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the effectiveness and benefits of using urban wastewater analysis as an ally in health prevention have been demonstrated. Having accurate data on monitoring the general population through wastewater, combined with data from the health system and the subsequent interpretation of all this information by experts and specialized personnel are strategic alliances to confront any health threat.

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