Scientists have discovered that a new “form of life” may be living inside us

In a recent investigation, a A group of scientists from Stanford UniversityIn the United States, a new type of life has been discovered on Earth. So, After baptizing it with the name ‘Obelisk’He actually launched an investigation to find out what it was about.

Obviously, According to the study published in the journal ‘Nature’this new Tiny, rod-shaped organism just discovered is even smaller than a virus and challenges common and standard ideas about life as we know it so far, something that has surprised scientists around the world.

Something unique and mysterious

After the first observations, the ‘obelisk’ does not seem to resemble any other previously known animal. “It’s crazy,” said Mark Peiffer, a cell and developmental biologist at the University of North Carolina., According to ‘Science’ magazine“The more we look, we see more crazy stuff” he continued.

Furthermore, this new discovery appears to be does not resemble any living creature that we know of as everlike animals, plants, fungi or microbes. Everything points to this It is a new living creature that presents unprecedented characteristics never seen before.,

Thus, the ‘obelisk’ It will not need sunlight, air or food to survive… Furthermore, the text of the study suggests that the organism obtains its energy from a process that is not fully understood and which does not match any known energy production method on Earth.

Implications for the future of science and technology

This discovery of ‘obelisk’ This has reopened the debate about whether life still exists outside our planetSome people have begun to believe that we are close to finding life beyond the outside world. Moreover, this discovery has also raised a question New debate about what makes something alive,

Until now, scientists have used a basic set of rulesSuch as how much food they need, how to reproduce, and how to react to things. Thus, ‘Obelisk’ has shown that different Lifestyles can be varied and more flexible As much as was thought.

“Newly discovered biological entity It lies between virus and viroid“, wrote Ed Feelprofessor of microbial evolution at the University of Bath. In addition, he said that, like viroids, Obelisks have a circular single-stranded RNA genome and lack a protein coat. But, like viruses, their genomes contain genes that are predicted to encode proteins.

This is how he thanked this discoveryScientists have begun to investigate this type of lifeAnd who knows what the future will bring.

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