“When you are recorded, you are not yourself, that is reality” | Relief

Ernesto Valverde has memorized his speech. He does not go out of his way when it comes to purely sporting matters and, as he once publicly admitted, does not want to leave big headlines. However, when asked about secondary issues, the coach surprised with a sharp rebuke of what he sees as a lack of confidentiality.He had already complained about recordings in the locker rooms last year, and on Tuesday he did the same about recordings to technical staff during drinking breaks. “It’s a show, we think it’s a sport, but this is a mass show– he began in his thoughts.

“People want to know what’s going on inside: what’s going on, what you’re saying, what’s going on in the moment just before you go out on the pitch; if they can see you through a glass window when you go out, it’s better; if they can listen to the coach or the players talking better; “If they hear you beating yourself, it’s much better because you have a whole week to write and sell,” the coach complained. Sports club.

Except, In his opinion, the lack of closeness affects the message you send to players and, therefore, the work of coaches. “You’re not the same, and you don’t say the same things when you know the camera is listening to you when you’re not there, because you’re not yourself, that’s the reality,” he countered. “There are things you can say to players that you’d rather not have the camera hear because it’s not nice, not because you’re going to say something, but because you have to express yourself in a way that’s not you.”

He even admitted that he moderates his messages at press conferences, as evidenced by regularly listening to him in the press room and a few minutes later on the training pitch, where he is much more expansive.”Social problems are always mediators. I wouldn’t say that if I weren’t at the press conference, but that’s how it is.” “I would curse,” he concluded his reflection ironically.

Complaint about the calendar

If Chingurri was very clear when talking about the excessive media coverage of the world of football, he was even more insistent when complaining about the calendar.which requires playing three games a week in the first days. “There are more and more games, more and more competitions, two more games in Europe, two more next year, then an inter-club competition, another inter-selection…”, he said ironically.

“Football is something that is exploited to the end, and the more games there are, the more money can be given away. We are at the beginning of the season now, three games in a row, it seems a bit illogical to me.“But we have to squeeze it in because we’re not there…”, the coach criticised, citing the example of Betis’ postponed Conference League match or the change of dates that will happen in September when the teams compete in the Europa League, as Athletic Bilbao will have to reschedule their league games due to circumstances.

“Everything has been thought out and I don’t know if it’s good for the players because we will need 25-30 players. There will come a day when players say that enough is enough and that they don’t play anymore and it will have to be regulated.“, he concluded in his protest at a press conference demanding a coach for the red-and-whites.

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