Retro Games Announces The Spectrum

Retro Games, the company that created the Atari 400 Mini or Commodore 64 Mini, has announced The Spectrum.

This is an exact replica, including the characteristic functional rubber keyboard, of the legendary ZX Spectrum designed by Clive Sinclair, one of the microcomputers that marked the 1980s. It will go on sale on November 22 and will cost 99.99 euros.

The Spectrum has a 48K design, but is capable of simulating all Spectrum variants: 16K, 48K, Spectrum+, and 128K. Various controls can be connected to the system via a USB connection.

Its HDMI output has a resolution of 720p, is compatible with PAL (50Hz) and NTSC (60Hz), and the image is presented in the original 4:3 aspect ratio. There are twelve frames that we can place to complete the image on modern widescreen monitors, as well as CRT filters.

As with other Retro Games recreations of systems, there will be quality of life improvements such as multiple save game slots or the ability to rewind up to forty seconds.

The system also includes forty-eight games in memory, but allows you to load whatever you want in .z80, .tap, and .tzx formats via USB.

The list of included games is as follows:

  • Stranger’s Girl (Skirmish Edition)
  • Ant attack
  • Army moves
  • Auf Wiedersen Monty
  • Avalon
  • Bobby Bering
  • Cosmic payback
  • Devilville is also a ZX
  • Exolon
  • Fairlight
  • lord of fire
  • Football Manager 2
  • Freddy Hardest
  • The Great Escape
  • up to his ears
  • Meeting on the highway
  • The Hobbit
  • Horace is skiing
  • Jack the Nipper
  • Knot in 3D
  • Lords of Midnight
  • Manic Miner
  • Match Day II
  • movies
  • Nodes of Yesod
  • Penetrator
  • Phantis (Game Over II)
  • Phoenix
  • Pyracurs
  • Quasatron
  • Robin of the Woods
  • Saboteur! Updated
  • Shovel Adventure
  • Days School
  • Snake Escape
  • Enchanted
  • starquake
  • Star Strike II
  • Stomp
  • Stoners
  • Target: Renegade
  • TCQ
  • Technician Ted – Megamix
  • Tenebrae
  • scavenger
  • The Way of the Exploding Fist
  • Willie
  • Where time stood still

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