The Valencian Community will launch a flu vaccination campaign in schools on October 1.

President of the Valencian Generalitat Carlos Masonannounced that, ahead of the new school year, the influenza vaccination campaign will begin on October 1 in preschool education centres and special education students in the Valencian Community. An initiative that aims to immunise around 72,000 students.

“It will be facilitate intranasal vaccinationwithout having to travel to health centers, which promotes family reconciliation,” Mason explained. He also added that in this way, Consell “continues to comply with the requirements and advance in the field of primary health care to guarantee the quality of public health care that citizens deserve.”

Specifically, The target group of this vaccination campaign are minors born in 2020 and 2021.students in preschools in public and subsidized centers in the Valencian Community, as well as all students in special education centers attended by minors and young people under 22 years of age. From these groups of students, those whose families express their desire to participate in the campaign will receive the vaccine.

Make it easier to protect yourself from the flu

Mason explained that the goal of this campaign is: “make it easier for families to protect minors from influenza and prevent infection among themand preventing transmission of the virus to vulnerable people, such as older people or people with underlying medical conditions who are at greater risk of complications.”

This campaign is the first school vaccination campaign against influenza launched by the Generalitat and coordinated by the Ministries of Education and Health. Therefore, teams of health workers will schedule vaccination days with educational centres in their facilities, which will take place within the framework of the program. Influenza vaccination campaign 2024-2025

It should be noted that before this strategy was set up last season, Pilot experience of influenza vaccination in educational centers this health department, culminating in a successful participation that led to its extension to all health departments of the Valencian Community.

The Importance of Vaccinating Minors

At the epidemiological level, vaccination of the child population is very important for several reasons, as highlighted in the statement of the Generalitat. On the one hand, mainly Children under 5 years of age are most infected. and they get flu every year. Moreover, it is not always mild and in some cases requires hospitalization.

On the other side, Children are able to transmit flu to other people.who may suffer from a serious illness with the risk of serious complications. Protecting minors from influenza therefore prevents the elderly and other vulnerable groups from becoming infected and helps stop the transmission of the virus.

During the previous campaign, the Valencian Community had already presented childhood influenza vaccination for boys and girls aged 6 to 59 monthsa recommendation that has also been included by the Public Health Commission for the 2024-2025 season.

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