They bring to light the confessions made by Maduro regarding the Petro and why he continues without condemning the “theft” in Venezuela

A month after elections in Venezuela, President Gustavo Petro Nicolás Maduro’s alleged victory is being increasingly cautious. The foreign ministry has insisted on the publication of minutes by the National Electoral Council (CNE) to legitimize the elections.

This attitude of the president has given rise to all kinds of comments and questions. One of the last people to speak about Cordobés’ attitude was Federico Gutiérrez, the mayor of Medellín, who spoke this Wednesday vicky in week by regions.

The Antioquian pointed out that all democratic countries should denounce the questionable results of the elections and recognize Edmundo González Urrutia as President of Venezuela, since he was the clear winner of the July 28 election day.

“Our position on Venezuela is very clear. The national government and all democratic countries must recognize Edmundo Gonzalez as the legitimate president of Venezuela, who was democratically elected. “The national government has decided to choose an ambiguous position, as many say, but for me it is not ambiguous,” Indicated at the start.

He then announced: “This is a situation in favor of the Maduro regime because they are giving it time. Maduro said Petro was his advisor. What did you advise him? Let him buy time. The serious thing is that some governments have agreed to support these dictatorships, So that no one can have any kind of doubt.”

Mayor Gutiérrez stressed in this medium that his administration’s position regarding the “fraud” in the neighboring country is clear and strong, since 10% of Medellín’s population corresponds to Venezuelan immigrants.

How is Medellin doing? Mayor Federico Gutiérrez speaks | The Week in Colombia

Let us tell you that a special conversation was also held with Andres Pastrana vicky in week and revealed that President Petro has not come out to clearly denounce the “coup” carried out by Chavismo in Venezuela because he has “partners” in that region.

The former Colombian president stressed that what the leaders of the historic pact are doing is buying time for the Maduro regime to legitimize the “fraud” of the July 28 elections and will ultimately support the “narco-dictatorship” of the ruling party.

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