Benjamin Millepied: Natalie Portman’s ex is going to surprise with a new project dedicated to the star

The old dancer, director of the Paris Opera, Benjamin Millepied in a new project: MERCY, Jeff Buckley dances. This performance, which is a complete choreography, will be presented at the Musical Seine on November 5 or 8, 2024. à The life and work of Jeff Buckley, an iconic figure of rock. Title MERCY fait référence au seul and the unique album of the studio of the American artist, a masterpiece of musical regrouping, undoubtedly, plus the great successes that Hallelujah, beloved, you should have come, Corpus Christi Carol, and others. The last farewellWith this spectacle, ex-wife Natalie Portman celebrates the 30th anniversary of the release of the cult album, offering the public a unique opportunity to (re)arrange Jeff Buckley’s cult chanson.

A passion for the work of Jeff Buckley, The Dancer and the Choreographer is a veritable series of paintings that “Depeignent la vie du chanteur à travers ses émotions émotions, sa passion, sa douleur, son amour et sa tragique disparition”according to the presentation of the performance. Although dance remains the main art of the show, the choreography is also integrated with documentary images, video, live scenes, dialogues and mobile sets. “My spirit begins with a deeper immersion in the world of Jeff Buckley’s musicals, and I feel like a composer in the tapiserie of dances sur ses ses chansons to give us more meaning to our esprit, our cour and our history”as Benjamin Millepied explained on the La Seine Musicale website, adding: “In the narrative of these songs and in the dance, for the researcher there is a history of the life of the devices.”

PHOTO – Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millepied: a love story in pictures

Benjamin Millepied, the Olympic Flame Carrier

The symbol of dance, Benjamin Millepied, is recognized worldwide for his exceptional talent. This talented man worked on the film “Black Swan” with Natalie Portman’s cats, with a new love affair at the tournament. After 12 years of marriage and the birth of two children, the couple splits. After returning to France after several years spent at the Universiade, Benjamin Millepied became the last bearers of the Olympic flame before the official coup of the Paralympic Games in Paris 2024, on August 28.

The article was written in collaboration with 6Médias.

Photo courtesy of: Gervot / Panoramic / Bestimage

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