Science has found out which grandmother is her grandchildren’s favorite and why

Grandparents are fundamental figures in the development and upbringing of children, providing both physical and emotional support to the family. Its presence not only facilitates the work-life balance of parents, but also contributes to the emotional development of their grandchildren. The bond between grandparents and grandchildren is based on the affection and devotion they offer, and this relationship strengthens the more time they spend together.

The popular idea that “parents are meant to nurture and grandparents are made to spoil” reflects how the role of grandparents is perceived in society: they are supposed to be more lenient and affectionate while How parents maintain a more disciplinarian attitude. This bond between grandparents and grandchildren is especially deep for the maternal grandmother, and science has an explanation for it.

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Genetics of connection with maternal grandmother

A study by the National Institute of Environmental Health in the US found that grandchildren inherit more genetic and temperament information from their maternal grandmothers. Eggs pass on significant genetic and mitochondrial load, unlike sperm, which increases the likelihood that grandma’s characteristics will show up in grandchildren. This explains why grandchildren’s temperament and behavior may closely resemble their maternal grandmother’s, even if there is no obvious physical resemblance.

Alejandro Jodorowsky, a Chilean essayist, also supports this theory. According to him, the connection begins when the maternal grandmother is pregnant with his daughter. During this pregnancy, the expectant mother has already formed eggs containing genetic cargo from the grandmother. Moreover, Jodorowsky suggests that grandchildren also inherit their grandmother’s emotional experiences through their DNA, which persist even across generations.

Science and genetic inheritance: more than an emotional issue

Another study from the University of Cambridge found that maternal grandmothers pass on 25% of their X chromosomes to their grandchildren. This creates a special bond with them, while in the case of paternal grandmothers, the genetic legacy to male grandchildren is less significant. Article published in Embryonic Development, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Database also supports this theory by arguing that a maternal grandmother can pass on distinctive features, such as a mole or smile, to her grandchildren.

Despite the importance of genetics in relation to maternal grandmother, research agrees that it is not the only factor. The affection and devotion of paternal grandparents is also essential for forming deep and lasting bonds with their grandchildren. Genetics can explain many things, but it is no substitute for the love and support that grandparents provide every day.

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