Iran’s inaction while Israel attacks all of its allies

Elimination Hezbollah leader’s This is the biggest blow to an ally of Iran in recent months. Indirect and direct Israeli attacks on the Tehran regime reveal a lack of real response from the Ayatollah regime

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s public statement in this regard, without announcing any reaction, said, “It is obligatory for all Muslims to support the Lebanese people and the proud Hezbollah, whatever capabilities they have.”

The question is whether Iran will move from words to action, something like Eduardo SaldanaThe co-editor of ‘The World Order’, does not see the short term: “In these last few hours there have been statements that are a little more aesthetic for the gallery and all very oriented to show their support for Hezbollah, but if we Let’s look at the last few weeks, I don’t think Iran will be able to respond with the force they try to show to the public.“, something that potentially damages the credibility of the regime, which is already damaged enough by the inaction that we are seeing.”

A passivity that does not come from now on. The last strong response came in April after Israel’s bombing of the Iranian Consulate in Damascus, which killed several senior members of the Revolutionary Guard. After two weeks, Iran launches 320 drones and missiles against Israeli territoryAnd they did hardly any damage because most were intercepted.

In July, Israel once again exposed the Islamic Republic of Iran murder of hamas leader In Tehran. An aggression in their own capital that drew threats, but no action.

This month, Israel has inflicted 1,500 casualties among Hezbollah militants in two days with blasts of pagers and walkie talkies and, in a week, has demonstrated its ability to destroy what is left of its leadership .

Due to uncertainty as to whether actual revenge would be taken this time, there are hardly any counter-attacks.

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