Monica Bellucci celebrates 60 years: Femme fatale for the day, Femme fatale for this day

Monica Bellucci’s soufflé will be presented with 60 bougies on September 30th. Rien que le fait qu’elle souhaite vieillir avec est est une raison de fêter l’actrice. Return to the mode icon.

Monica Bellucci is femininity, sensuality, sweet Italian life with a French note. Sans oublier l’intemporalité. The car, its style, has undoubtedly evolved over time, and this is all that can be discovered among thousands of people.

Pas étonnant qu’elle soit égérie de Dolce & Gabbana depuis des années, the embodiment of the feminine style and eclecticism of the Italian house to perfection.

The polka dot motif, the red color, the dress flowing over the silhouette, the transparency… At 60 years old, Monica Bellucci cannot be lost in splendor and wood, to create a sensual style linked to the beauty of nature and the hallmark of its beauty. income toujours: long red hair and long dark brown hair with bangs – a style that makes Monica Bellucci the one who has two of the “most beautiful women in the world” and the rest of her allegiance is only today.

Living with Dignity

Quant au temps qui passe, celle qui a toujours été perçue, like a femme fatale pas Excellence, est détendue. Without a genre associated with eternal youth, she knows what has happened as a chance for long-term life. “J’ai toujours été une femme avec des courbes, je n’ai jamais été très mince, c’est ma natural,” wrote the Sunday Times.

If she’s relaxing, it’s also because she’s 51 and was cast as a Bond girl in 2015, playing Lucia Sciarra, the widow of an assassin. Monica Bellucci is now the oldest Bond girl in the 007 story.

If she is a gene, she wants to pass on the girl Virgo Cassel, but has no resemblance to the girl herself. Deva Cassel was a copy of a fashion model at 14 years old, and it was good when the model that Monica Bellucci had in her piggy bank was also at 19 years old.

Retrouvez Quelques looks like this femme fatale in our image gallery.

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