“New Birkin” that will amaze celebrities

When I was part of the bag à main de luxe, I immediately thought of icons such as Chanel 2.55, Lady Dior or Birkin d’Hermès for the encore. These accessories cross centuries to create fashion legends. But a few weeks later, a new image attracts everyone’s attention: he took Margot from the brand The Row. With a love for celebrities and considered the best investment of the year, this is my familiar ‘new Birkin’. So, qu’est-ce qui fait le succès de ce sac qui fait Tourner les têtes?

Designer bag that celebrities love

Le Margaux de The Row is quickly becoming a celebrity favourite. Jennifer Lawrence, Katie Holmes, Margot Robbie, Kendall Jenner and Harry Styles in the same style plus without those chic and understated accessories. The model, created by the brand founded by the Olsen sisters, embodies minimalist luxury, a trend à laquelle adhèrent de plus en plus d’adeptes de la mode.

He released
He released “Margot”, a new fashionable coquelouche. – Row

The “luxury discreet” trend

What distinguishes Margot’s bag is the son of aesthetic aesthetics. Pas de logos pasted on tape, pas de details, ostentatious details: ce sac se démarque par son design neutral, elegant and practical. Available in four sizes and adapted to all transports and occasions. It is a combination of practicality and restraint that seduces customers with the exquisite luxury of a sequined waistband. The Row model is the origin of the trend towards “discreet luxury”, that is, the quality of materials and the sophistication of a coupe priment sur l’ostentation.

Exclusive travel bag…et onereux

Like Hermès’ Birkin, The Row’s Margaux is easy to find and the results are most desirable. In fact, its availability is limited, and the price in the brand’s online store is 3,790 euros (for comparison, the Birkin ranges from 5,000 to 135,000 euros). They are exclusive and represent a timeless design in the form of an investment piece, a fashion accessory that, like their predecessors, pours bien traverser les décennies et venir un classic incontournable.

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