Miley confirmed the veto and now the ball goes to Congress. After the historical university march

xavier miley ACCELERATEDWhile people were still relaxing after the massive mobilization in support of public, free and quality universities in the Plaza de los dos Congresos, the President began by retweeting comments that tried to undermine the forces in the classroom and , also via Twitter. “Office of the President” – an official government account – Announced imminent presidential veto. In the statement he defined the university financing law as “an irresponsible project to increase public spending” that threatens the fiscal balance.

The ball now belongs to Congress. Because while waiting for the veto, there are projects from different blocs, including the Peronists and the UCR, to discuss the rejection of the presidential veto in the session. It remains to be seen whether Miley will have the “heroes” (or “rats”, as he also defined them) who will allow him to override his veto on rules updating teachers’ salaries.

official statement

“The Office of the President informs that andPresident Xavier Miley will veto the irresponsible project to increase public spending of national universities, Approved by Congress, as well as any other project, does not include a specific budget item and threatens the fiscal balance,” begins the letter, released this past Wednesday night.

And he adds: “It is time for legislators to understand that they cannot do anything anymore democratic populism With the resources of those who pay taxes, and begin to act with the responsibility that this historical moment demands. “The appropriate venue for discussing universities’ funding is the debate on the national budget for 2025.”

Although sources at the Casa Rosada anticipated that the law ensuring a minimum level of financing for higher public education would suffer the same consequences as the retirement mobility law, the truth is that the ruling party is expected to consider the impact of this march. Was done. Wednesday. Nothing of the sort happened, quite the contrary. What’s more, the demonstration was much larger, similar to the first federal university march held in April, but He began to highlight the involvement of opposition leaders in the executive branch and attribute it to political motivations.

“Celebrates the integrity of Executive Branch leaders Cristina Kirchner, Sergio Massa, Martin Lousteau, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, and Elisa Carrió, who have decided to publicly unite for the purpose of obstructing the President’s economic plan. This convergence shows Consolidation of a new populist left front in defense of the prerogatives of political leadership“X added the President’s Office’s own statement.

And he concluded: “This administration will not succumb to media spectacle, irresponsible bills, or manipulation of noble causes for partisan purposes. The government’s objective is clear: end the poor model of the last 100 years and make Argentina great again.”

In line with that message, the President Xavier Miley, on his own social media account, responded with messages like “Public universities are not in danger, what is in danger is the loot they share”.This is an idea that the ruling party had defended even before the march and responded to in front of Congress minutes after the event ended.

vice president Victoria Villarruel did the same and, true to her style, targeted human rights leaders.: He published a post in which he displayed the budget numbers received by the National University of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo and compared them to the low number of graduates received by that institution in 2023.“I always support quality public universities, but without the parasites who do business with them.”The Senate President wrote.

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