Have you ever loved Saltburn? Jacob Elordi Reborn in New Emerald Fennell Film

Being my expert, Jacob Elordi is not the heir to the Quelconque dynasty – the Australian actor a toujours confirms that this is a problem among the people. Most manipulations or others, my little character traits, immediately cause private establishments plus Cossus du Royaume-Uni à la Eaton. We came to this conclusion regarding Saltburnlorsqu’il se balade dans l’imposante demeure familiare, se prélasse dans son bath or are you advertising other professions, guys. C’est dans les châteaux et les terres du West Yorkshire que nous le Retrouverons bientôt, puisqu’il a été choisi pour jouer the role of Heathcliff dans la prochaine adaptation des Hauts de Hurlevant Emerald Fennell pair.

Les Hauts de Hurlevantwritten by Emily Brontë in 1847, it was a fait accompli made of granular screen adaptations in the style of the eras. For all 20 films in the world (the premiere dates back to 1920), without listening to this incredible song by Kate Bush. But this new incarnation arouses genuine enthusiasm among the public. Or you, Emerald Fennell! Jacob Elordi! And I’m Margot Robbie! Voilà tout ce que l’on sait des nouveau Hauts de Hurlevant pour instantly.

My trait Les Hauts de Hurlevant ?

If you do not know the industry classics of English literature, please note that Hauts de Hurlevant he is considered like many other great Romans written in the Pit. Well done, Emily.

The work tells the story of an orphan named Heathcliff who is adopted by a noble family in Yorkshire in the late 17th century. The idyll between Louis and the girls of the family, Catherine Earnshaw, meme, if she promises a certain Edgar, the sons of the family, who are going to a secular class. Au program: painful decisions, raw hearts, etc. Great romance! It remains to be seen whether or not Jacob Elordi should learn to have a British accent.

Who will appear at the casting Hauts de Hurlevant ?

In a remarkable innovation, Jacob Elordi played opposite a couple of his également adulées compatriots, Margot Robbie, who embodies Heathcliff’s love, Catherine. The rest of the encore casting recently confirmed that the studio MRC (connus pour Saltburn, American fiction, Ozark etc. House of cards by the way) the plancheron in the film and that the production must be guaranteed by LuckyChap, which will be the case with the two previous long meters of Emerald Fennell and Margot Robbie in the films Barbie etc. Mine, Tonya.

If Jacob Elordi is très doué très doué pour se pavaner dans de grandes maisons de luxe (et pour être l’un des acteurs fétiches du moment), tout le monde n’a pas été ravi de ce choix. In the novel, Heathcliff is written as “la peau foncée”, so I understand that he is unlikely to be white. Also just present, this is the main interpretation among white actors: Laurence Olivier, Tom Hardy, Ralph Fiennes and Timothy Dalton, among others. This isn’t what happened in Andrea Arnold’s 2011 adaptation, which is brought to life by two noir actors, James Howson and Soloman Glaive. Despite all this, nombreux sont ceux qui estiment que cela aurait is a good case for the recruiter and the main actor who was not white in this big film.

Quelle est la date de sortie des Hauts de Hurlevant ?

Pas tout de suite, he will never know that they have poor patience! The tour will begin at Royaume-Uni in 2025, so the film will likely not be released until the next day. Profitons-en pour lire ou relire le Roman Emily Brontë.

Original publication British GQ magazine

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